Page 56 of All Snowed In

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“Beth didn’t mean anything by it. She probably just wanted to rub it in. I would never guess that he’d come here and rent a cabin to torture me,” Avery explained as I choked in disbelief.

“He’s a guest here?” I asked and she nodded. I hated the guy on sight, and I knew her brother wouldn’t stand for having him here.

“He wants me to work with him again at a fucking restaurant as if I would.”

“How long is he here?” I asked, stunned at her words.

“Through the twenty sixth of December. I can’t even imagine.” Avery told me, pinching the bridge of her nose as I’ve seen her do when she gets a headache. “I have to work, and act civilized around him for days when I just want to kick his ass all over Lake Placid.”

“Want me to stay home from my folk’s house for the holidays?” I offered without giving it a second thought.

“No. Ben, you don’t have to do that. I know how much they enjoy seeing you.” Avery held up her hands with a soft smile. “I’m always around someone here and I don’t think he’d hurt me. Simon will just beg for the forgiveness he seems to think he deserves when he sees me.”

“I’m sure your brother wouldn’t want him here as a guest.” I told her as she wrinkled her nose as if that just occurred to Avery.

“It’s not professional to throw a guest out on their ass unless it’s for a good reason. Jefferson would probably think about it, but I don’t want drama here. I’ll just manage and stay busy.” Avery assured me as doubt filled my mind. “I’m not even going to tell them he’s here. Simon will probably get bored since he already trashed Lake Placid to my face and just leave. He’s barely into skiing or anything else on the snow.”

“At least tell Charlie and Jack so they can keep an eye on things. I’m serious, Avery. This guy might be trouble and I feel like I should stay here.” I told her as she reached for my hand.

“You deserve to have a great holiday with your family, Ben. You work so hard around here and I’ll be busy with my own soon enough. Even though we’re open on Christmas, nothing much happens around the lodge. I’ll be with my family.”

“Are you sure?” I asked as she nodded.

“Simon is annoying and an absolute pest, but I’m not scared of him.” Avery chuckled as she shook her head. “It would be brave of him to show up to Mom’s house if he even knows where it is. Can you imagine?”

“No. Jefferson would flip out,” I replied as we both laughed. I enjoyed the feeling of her hand in mine in this dark room. A part of me didn’t want to leave Avery behind but we both had families we’d be with for Christmas. “I kind of wish he would find out that Simon is here.”

“Are you excited to see your family, at least?” Avery asked as our fingers locked together.

“Always. I look forward to it but I’m leaving you here and now I can’t help but worry. You’ll keep me posted if he starts anything, won’t you?”

“I will but there’s nothing to worry about. I’m certain he’ll get bored and leave. What’s a guy like Simon going to do in a place like this for a few days? He thrives on the city life.” Avery caught my eyes and smiled, leaning across the table to kiss me. “When do you leave?”

“I am supposed to be there for dinner tonight.” I smiled, thinking about my mom bustling around the kitchen for me today. I wondered if there ever might come a time where my family met Avery and knew her as more than my boss’s sister.

“You should finish everything up so you can go. I have to head into the restaurant, anyway. I’ll watch out, Ben, but everything will be fine.” Avery smiled and stood up, waiting for me before she stood on her toes to kiss me again.

We made our way to the side door and exited the bar, saying goodbye again before I watched her walk to the restaurant.

A part of me wanted to tell Jefferson about Simon but I shook my head before heading to his office. I’d just check in with him as planned and finish packing.

Perhaps Avery was right, and Simon would get bored. She didn’t indicate that she wanted to get back with him or work at his restaurant. In fact, she seemed like she hated him as much as she should.

I walked to Jefferson’s office to see if there’s anything else he needed. Tapping on the door, I walked in when he told me to and smiled at me. “Hey. I’m heading out soon, but I wanted to know if you needed anything else. I took a walk around to make sure that everything looked good for Christmas.”

“Thanks, Ben. I think everything is fine but if something happens, we’ll be covered. Go spend time with your parents and forget about this place. Tell them I said hello.” Jefferson waved his hand and I nodded in return. “Drive safe out there.”

“I will,” I replied, wishing him a Merry Christmas before I turned to leave. I walked through the lobby, searching for Simon but finding no sign of him.

He still rubbed me the wrong way and I kept looking around, hoping she did call me if anything happened. When I left the lodge, I headed over to Ciderworks and walked in to see Charlie helping some customers with a tasting.

He glanced at me, and I walked over as he excused himself to meet me at the other end of the counter. “I just wanted you to keep an eye on Avery while I’m gone.” I told Charlie. “I’m going to see my family for the holiday.”

“I always do. Is something wrong?” Charlie asked as I hesitated.

“I saw Avery talking to her ex, Simon. He’s here at the lodge wanting her to come back to New York and work with him or some shit like that. She said he’s supposed to be here until the twenty sixth, which is just a few more days, but I just need to know she’ll be okay.” I looked at him as Charlie’s face clouded over.

“What the hell is he thinking coming here?” Charlie asked as I shrugged.

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic