Page 50 of All Snowed In

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I didn’t want Avery to move back to New York. She made me happy, and it was fun pushing her boundaries like I did today. She was also extremely forbidden, and who knew how long this could last?

All I could do was leave her to make any decision that came up. Avery had her dreams long before she met me and didn’t seem to appreciate my opinion on that back at dinner. She shut down fast after that, so I knew she just needed time to herself as far as her future. I’d take what I could get and enjoy every moment while she remained here in Lake Placid.

It was all I could do.



The following week, I took Luna’s yoga class to find some peace. The decision I needed to make felt like it was eating me alive and with no one to talk to, it made it so much worse.

I knew Luna would help me make sense of it all. The stretching felt amazing, but I needed someone else’s thoughts as well.

“Hey, Luna. Want to grab some lunch in town?” I approached her after the late morning class and threw out the invitation, knowing she was done for the day. “I went to this great little Mexican place last week I’d like to try again.” It might not be the best idea to go to a place Jack showed me, but I knew that was Luna’s favorite kind of food and we could talk there as opposed to eating at the lodge.

I hadn’t told anybody about the job offer and needed it to remain a secret until I made a final decision I could announce to everyone.

“That sounds great. I’m hungry after a few classes.” Luna looked over the empty room and smiled as she ran a hand through her thick hair. For being a yoga teacher, my beautiful friend looked like she never broke a sweat.

She zipped up a sweatshirt over her tank top and leggings and I followed suit, knowing it was much colder outside. The class was an enjoyable break from that, with the view to enjoy from the large window.

We took my car since the restaurant was close and I pulled onto the main road, swallowing nervously. When I parked in the lot, Luna smiled. “I love this place. Great choice, Avery.”

We made our way inside and the hostess seated us in a back booth that offered some privacy, making me feel a lot better. We ordered water and looked at the menu as Luna glanced at me a few times.

“Did you hear that Lisa James is pregnant with her first baby? She married Ned a couple of years ago.” My friend told me once we ordered lunch and had chips and salsa to nibble on.

“That’s great. They were always such a cute couple in school.” I remarked, thinking back to the couple that had been together for years. “They waited until after college, then?”

“Ned went to law school to work for his father and that took a little while. He wanted to have a good job to support his family. It’s not as though they’d ever break up.” Luna smiled as she reached for a chip. “They always reminded me of Jefferson and Polly. How is she doing? I don’t see her too often.”

“She’s great. I think she’s resting up as much as she can before the baby comes. I know Jefferson wants her sitting twenty-four hours a day.” I laughed at my brother and his protective ways; thankful they were directed towards someone else right now. “I can’t wait to meet the baby.”

“Is your mom chomping at the bit?” Luna asked as I nodded. “I just wish your dad was here to see it, but in his own way, he knows what’s going on.”

“I sure hope so,” I murmured, not wanting my dad to see what was going on in my life. It certainly wasn’t what we planned as I grew up talking about living in New York.

“I also talked to Cindy Adams, and she’s getting a divorce and coming back home to work at her mom’s store. I guess we’re getting older and dealing with grown up problems now,” Luna mused as she reached for her water. “Is that the reason you asked me to lunch? I can see your wheels turning, Avery. What’s going on?”

I let out a sigh and watched as the server placed our food on the table. “You’ve always been able to see right through me, Luna.”

“That’s what makes us friends. You did the same to me.” Luna smiled and searched my face. “What’s wrong?”

“I-I had a job interview last week for a restaurant in New York, Luna. They called within two days to offer me the job and I don’t know what to do.” I confessed, as she nodded with a thoughtful expression on her face. “I can’t talk to the guys about it since they’re all biased and my family will expect me to take it.”

“Why can’t you be biased as well?” Luna asked me with a light shrug. “I’m happy you’re back in Lake Placid. We haven’t spent quality time together in a few years and this feels good. I know I’d like you to stay.”

“I wanted to talk to you because you’ll be honest with me. You’re not coming from the same place as the guys are. You’re not helping, Luna.” I laughed as I forked a bite of my enchilada. “I talked about New York constantly growing up. College was there and my jobs were there, and my whole life for the past seven years. Isn’t my not taking the job throwing all that time away? Doesn’t that make it all a waste?”

“I remember how much you wanted to be there, Avery. Part of me hated it but I’d never crush someone’s dreams.” Luna shook her head. “I think you’re looking at things the wrong way. Did you enjoy your life in New York?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“You made some good friends there that aren’t all that far away in the whole scheme of things. School was great for you, and you learned so much that isn’t a loss if you don’t end up in the city. Your job experience is priceless and part of life experience.” Luna smiled at me. “It doesn’t mean that you have to always choose the same thing. The city and Lake Placid are so different when you compare them, but they both have a lot to offer.”

“That’s true,” I admitted, thinking that I hadn’t been bored here during this visit. “It’s beautiful here.”

“It sure is. I’ve been to some nice places, but I always feel good coming back home.” Luna admitted as I nodded. “There is so much more here for you than the men. Your family is here and there’s a baby on the way who needs her auntie. You’ve done impressive work at the lodge and with the desserts, you could make a real name for yourself. It might not be reviews in the biggest newspaper in the world but it’s still success. Your talent will never die based on where you live.”

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic