Page 47 of All Snowed In

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I’d always wanted to build my perfect pastry team to help me achieve my goals of success. I’d been on the way there in Simon’s restaurant before he’d lost it. This could be my dream come true in the city I’d dreamed of living in since I was a little girl.

Was it even my dream anymore?

I found more of a life here than I ever expected this visit. I didn’t have the dream job as a pastry chef, but I knew how well my desserts were doing at the lodge. It might not be the job that came with a New York Times review, but I enjoyed it.

I enjoyed all my work at the lodge, and it felt good to be a part of the family business.

Visiting my family had been nice as well, though there were so many lies involved in that. I loved being with Mom and seeing Polly pregnant with my brother’s baby. I couldn’t wait for my niece to be born and meet her, seeing our family expand.

There were my favorite people in Lake Placid as well, but few people knew about Charlie, Ben, and Jack. They were the main reasons I longed to stay, but I couldn’t tell anyone about them.

Could I bear to stay here and end things with all of them? I had a job that I could improve on and make something of myself with it, and I had my family.

I had so much, but I didn’t want to live here without my men. Leaving would end things with them as well, to where I wouldn’t have to be close to them, but the idea of that destroyed me as well.

I had a huge choice to make, but I hid that as I heard Ben step into the main room. I smiled at him as Ben arched his brow at me. “You’re up early.”

“Habit, I guess. How did you sleep?” I asked, wondering if he heard my phone.

“After last night, I slept great. I always sleep well when you’re beside me, Avery.” He walked over to kiss my hair, and I looked down as his lips met my skin. “I brought enough stuff to make a simple breakfast if you’re hungry. I can even make instant coffee for you, since I know how much you need it.”

“That sounds good,” I agreed, even though I wasn’t hungry. I just needed to go home and get ready for work in the restaurant, but I had some time.

I went to help him in the kitchen, needing a distraction, where we made some passable coffee with eggs and toast.

Ben dug into his plate, and I forced a few bites into my mouth. I didn’t want him to know that anything was bothering me since I needed to mull this over, so I joined into the conversation he started. Ben seemed to want to avoid talking about the job as well, so we discussed the lodge and upcoming events.

Ben would stay here no matter what my choice might be. He had a good job and a life he loved. We could visit if I moved, but it would never be the same.

Maybe it would be easier to just walk away.

After breakfast, we kissed on the couch for a while after I used the toothpaste provided by the lodge again. I dressed and told him goodbye before making the trek to my car, looking around to see if anyone noticed me. I had this feeling that Jefferson would find me out at any given time, but I made my way safely to car today and headed home.

Thankfully, my mom didn’t seem to worry about where I’d been and told me to have a good day at work.

I drove back down the road and parked again in the employee’s section of the parking lot. I checked my braid in the mirror, telling myself not to show my feelings today.

I walked into the lodge to see Jefferson at the front desk and paused, knowing that my brother could see right through me. When he turned back and saw me, Jefferson grinned and headed over to me.

“Your desserts are doing great. I want to serve them all day. Avery. Are you up to focusing on that with some help?” He asked as my heart raced.

“Um, sure. I can do that.” I replied, trying not to shift on my feet. “So, want me to start that today so we can get going?”

“I think that’s perfect. Everything outside is looking great thanks to you, so I think Ben will be fine.” The mention of the man I spent the night with last night made me look down, pretending to scratch my leg. “We’ll figure out someone to take over when you get a job, Avery. I just appreciate your help here.”

“It’s no problem.” I said, offering Jefferson a smile. “I’ll head over there and get started. Do you mind if I place a larger order to have enough supplies?”

“No, not at all. Just keep a record of it so I know what to order later, and when.” My brother suggested, glancing across the lobby. “Got to go, sis. See you later.”

I waved and watched him walk away before blinking for a moment. I looked around the familiar beautiful building as I started walking slowly to the restaurant, remembering so many times here.

The staff at the restaurant greeted me as I walked in, offering me some coffee. I accepted and took the cup with a small smile, heading to the office to place an order as I chatted with the manager.

After I finished, I stepped into the kitchen and started making dessert for the lunch shift and then the dinner shift, losing myself in the repetitive process.

The question was, would I keep doing this here or return to New York to work somewhere else?


Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic