Page 21 of All Snowed In

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We also talked about the lodge. She’d seen the pictures I posted when Jefferson pulled the site up at work, complimenting me on my work. I told her about my personal site where I sold photos and she entered the address into her phone.

Avery enjoyed helping Ben with the decorations for the holidays, and she smiled brightly as she told me how beautiful she thought they were at night. I thought about Ben’s interest in her and idly wondered if he’d taken it to the next level. I didn’t feel worried about it because she was all mine tonight. Avery enjoyed herself with me, getting to know each other and talking, and that much was clear.

We finished dinner as I told her a little about snowboarding and my competitions. I’d been doing it since I was a teenager, heading to the slopes with friends before I traveled to bigger places. I hit a competitive level early and got a sponsor that acted as my primary source of income, along with the lodge and my photos.

I wasn’t a rich man, but I felt happy with my life.

When the table was empty and the bill paid, I leaned towards Avery with a smile. “How about you take a risk with me tonight?”

“What kind?” She asked, her eyes shining with excitement.

“I thought we might risk the crowd and ice skate at the old Olympics rink. It’s lit up for the holidays and beautiful this time of year. Do you skate?” I asked, chuckling at her smirk.

“I grew up here. I think it’s a requirement,” Avery replied, laughing. “That sounds fun with you.”

“I promise I’ll keep you safe.” As I took her hand, I winked. I opened the car door for her, making sure she settled in before closing it to walk around to my side.

We talked about memories of her skating with her brother at some of the little ponds around the lodge when they were frozen in the winter. Avery used to love the impromptu hockey games the boys would start up and was a fan to this day.

When we parked in the brightly lit parking lot, Avery told me their parents always brought them here for the holidays. I could see the colorful lights circling the large rink along with a beautiful Christmas tree from the car. I could imagine a little Avery skating on the ice with her pink cheeks and those shimmering eyes as she raced Jefferson.

We made our way to the rental booth and got skates in our size, sitting on the bench to put them on with the thick socks I brought along in the car.

When they were tied securely on our feet, we headed to the edge of the rink, and I held Avery’s gloved hand as we skated the oval. She had outstanding balance and smiled at the surrounding people, especially the families.

“Do they remind you of yourself as a kid?” I asked her as we wound around a curve.

“Yes, they do. I also picture Jefferson and Polly here down the line with a kid or two, teaching them to skate.” She replied, cocking her head at me with a soft smile. “How is it you skate so well?”

“I learned when I was on the slopes. This was a calming activity after a day on the snow, doing all kinds of risky shit. Half the time, I think we were drunk.” The memory made me laugh. “I had the balance for it and enjoyed skating. I enjoy it even more holding your hand.” I winked at Avery, watching her laugh. “It’s the best out here where so much took place. There’s something about the history that sticks here.”

“I agree. Those are some great memories for those that lived here.” Avery sped up on the straight part, and I kept up easily with her.

“You’re not going to lose me that easily,” I teased Avery as she turned her head to lock eyes with me.

“I don’t want to,” she assured me, squeezing my hand. We kept chatting as we skated until Avery shivered, glancing toward the stand that sold hot chocolate and coffee along with snacks. “Let’s get something hot to drink and take a break.”

“I’d rather warm you up at my place,” I whispered to her, pulling Avery closer to me. It was darker and colder now and the lights offered a warm ambient glow on the ice.

Avery leaned up to brush her cold lips across my mouth, making me shiver with desire. “How far away do you live?”

We skated to the booth to return the skates, hurriedly getting our shoes back on. I insisted on holding her hand on the way to the car, loving the feel of the warmth that flowed between us.

When we were in the car with the heater on, I leaned in to give Avery a kiss. Our lips were cold but that changed when our tongues moved together, heating things up nicely. “I want you,” I told her as I stroked her cheek with my thumb. After kissing her one more time, I started the engine and focused on the road.

I drove safely while getting home as fast as possible. When I pulled into the garage, I killed the engine and closed the garage. I kissed Avery again, needing more of her.

We made out like teenagers for a few moments before the cold air hit us, and I laughed as I led her into the house. “It’s not fancy. This is the downstairs area that serves as a living room, office, and kitchen. The bedrooms are upstairs, and I only have two of them.”

Kiska moved on her bed by the fireplace, blinking at us before she closed her eyes.

“It suits you,” Avery told me, glancing around. “That’s your dog?”

“Her name is Kiska, but I tired her out before I picked you up. I can start a fire and we can have some drinks,” I offered, wanting to skip all of that and get right to it.

“I’d rather see the bedrooms,” Avery told me, turning to face me before she kissed me. As I deepened it, I pulled her against me. I’d be happy to show her my room and enjoy her in every way I’d fantasized about taking her over the last several days.

When we broke for air, I pushed her jacket from her shoulders. Leaving it on the floor, I slipped off my flannel and added it to the pile. I kissed her again before pulling her to the stairs, stumbling over them as we tried not to break contact.

Tags: Lisa Cullen Erotic