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“I don’t want this night to be just about me. Tonight’s aboutusand the journey we’ve all taken separately to get to this point. Everything has led us to this point through the vows we’ve made and our decisions. Many didn’t make it to this point to witness such a union, this new beginning, but,” he started nodding, and several people in the crowd did the same. “They’re here with us.”

“Let’s celebrate them tonight, their sacrifices, and their journey that’s allowed us to stand here together, and I promised, with all of you as my witness, I’ll do my best to make sure the next generation never knows the hardship we have.”

“Alpha Mathieu!” Killian yelled, and several others shouted as well.

“Alpha Mathieu!” I howled, and so did Kaleem until everyone shouted Dad’s name.

He placed his fist over his heart, and so did everyone, and we bowed together. I knew this was a monumental moment for him. Grandpa would be proud, and although it took some time to get here, we were here, together and at peace.

That was grandpa’s wish, Dad’s wish, and we were finally here, at the end of a chapter and the start of a new one.


I sipped my drink while flames floated up from the bonfire. It was 2 am, but the celebration was still going. Some wolves had called it a night with tomorrow being a workday, and I’d be doing the same shortly.

Kaleem and Killian were chatting with members of the Bluemoon, and the kids were glued to Nazanin.

I hadn’t noticed until now that I’d lost track of Dad. I’d only glimpsed him a few times throughout the night, and now he was nowhere to be seen.

“Hey,” I heard him say behind me. “You okay?”

“There you are! I am. I was just looking for you,” I told him, and he tapped his cup to mine. “We haven’t talked all night.”

“I know,” he answered. “I’ve spent hours being pulled in every direction.”

“Get used to it,” I told him, and he snorted but smiled.

He looked good, happy, at peace, and I looped my arm through his and laid my head on his arm. We stood in silence, watching everyone from the back of the crowd, but this wasn’t like before. Months ago, we’d stood at the back because we were forced there, and now, it was a means to keep an eye on our people.

“So, you and Nazanin,” I drawled, and Dad sipped his drink. “Congratulations.”

He took a breath, but I could see his blush. “Thank you. She’s an amazing woman. We’ll be taking things slow, but she wants to join the pack, and I’m grateful she does. She’s been helping me with so much.”

“I know,” I told him. “She’s been doing the same for me. Talking me through the Luna role and filling me in on everything I need to know.”

“I feel a little bad that I’m stealing her away from Kaleem, but then I remember he has you,” Dad kissed my head. “Congratulations to you as well,Luna. How does it feel?”

I shrugged, blushing. “Thanks. And I’ve only been Luna for a day, so I can’t answer that yet. But I have everything I need, my mate and his support, and I have love and freedom too, so I’ll be okay.”

When he didn’t say anything for a while, I looked up, and he was already watching me. “What’s wrong?”

“I know what you did,” he replied, and I frowned. “You chose me over staying with Kaleem and joining his pack, and I’ve regretted allowing you to make that decision. It was unfair.”

“Dad, don’t even,” I grumbled, and he turned to face me.

“I’m being serious, Diana,” he said, and my frown deepened. “I’m your father, my job was to make sure you’re happy, and your happiness was with Kaleem. I’d lost so much already that when you chose me, I allowed you to instead of doing the right thing and pushing you to be with your mate.”

He sighed. “You could have left the pack, but I refused to leave, and it pushed you to stay. You didn’t make the vow I did, but I forced its responsibility on you. Allow me to apologize, Diana, because I am sorry how everything happened.”

He looked at everyone, the flames reflecting in his blue eyes. “But seeing what’s become of our future, it’s hard to regret everything in our past. Because of you, I remained in one piece, mentally and physically. You taught me to keep going, keep fighting, and believe we’d get our chance to make things right. That we deserved better. The past can’t be changed, but Iamsorry that you had to suffer so much.”

I hugged him. I hadn’t known he’d felt like this, and it was heartbreaking.

“It’s always been us, Dad. I wasn’t forced into staying with you, I made that choice, and if you’d objected, I still would have stayed.” I pulled away. “Although we’ll be apart now, a little, I’m still your clingy daughter, and I always will be.”

“Oh, I know, but I’m proud of you,” he said, and I bit down on my tongue to not cry. “You’ve grown into an amazing woman. I hope Kaleem knows he’s won the jackpot, and I’m not just saying that because you’re my daughter.”

He laughed, and so did I. I found Kaleem among the crowd, and he was watching Dad and me. I placed my hand over my heart, and he did the same, feeling each other, and I nodded.

Tags: Layla Silver Silverdawn Wolves Paranormal