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“Oh, shut up, Diana!” Colin spat. “You would have been killed or turned into a lab rat with the rest of us if I didn’t take that deal. You should be thanking me! I saved us!”

“You doomed us all! Do you think you’re no longer a freak in their eyes?” I fell to my knees, and my left knee broke, positioning my leg backward.

Colin shook his head. “I won’t try to make you see reason. Your involvement with Kaleem almost jeopardized my deal. They thought I might betray them by feeding Kaleem information through you,niece. Kaleem knocked a little sense into Jackson.”

Colin laughed while stretching his arms wide. “That boy’s not the brightest bulb, but he proposed allowing you to be our inside man—or woman, whether you wanted to be or not. Now here we are with Kaleem off trying to be a hero for you!”

I wanted to kill him!

My hands turned into paws and my nose into a snout until I was no longer a woman but a grey wolf. I rushed at Colin and jumped off the ground to attack him. He caught me and threw me to the side, but I attacked him again.

We rolled on the ground, my claws tearing his flesh until he kicked me in the gut and sent me flying. Skidding across the ground, my fur and skin were rubbed away, and Colin shifted.

His light brown and white wolf snarled at me and was twice my size, but I wouldn’t back down. I didn’t care about his size. I cared about the lives being taken, the wolves being sacrificed to the anti-supers, and I didn’t appreciate being used.

Colin didn’t do this to save the pack. He did this to gain money and a force strong enough to take on Silverdawn Pack.

Gunshots continued to explode around us, the shots like small fireworks, and Colin and I slammed into each other again. A fierce battle of ripping skin, snarls, and flying fur ensued until Colin bit down on my nape.

He picked me up and threw me, and I staggered to my feet and fell once more.

I’d bitten a chunk out of his side, but he didn’t care while approaching me, murder in his bright eyes. I saw my death in their depths, and I tried to get up again but couldn’t. I couldn’t be killed by him, not like this.

I snarled at him, whimpering from the pain coursing up and down my spine from his bite, and Colin growled at me. He ran forward, and I prayed to the Goddess to watch over Kaleem and my father in my absence when a black wolf slammed into Colin.

I started shifting, returning to my human form, and tears streamed down my face while Kaleem’s wolf savagely attacked Colin.

Kaleem’s wolf was more massive, like a mighty predator, and Colin didn’t stand a chance, and more wolves joined the fight. The ones who’d left with Kaleem tackled the anti-supers, and out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning struck an anti-super about to fire at a wolf.

A witch walked by me, electricity dancing on her fingertips, and a satyr ran by me as well, tackling a human and trampling him. For a second, I was confused by what I was seeing until it registered that the town’s people were joining the fight.

The ch-chunk sound of a shotgun shell being loaded pulled my attention, but instead of an anti-super, Marian was coming towards me with a shotgun in hand.

“Diana!” she yelled. “Are you okay? Killian called and said the pack might need everyone’s help. Can you move?”

When a severed arm was thrown towards us, Marian screamed and aimed. I could almost smell her fear, but she was here, fighting, and I’d never been more proud of her.

Kaleem was standing over Colin’s human form, and Colin’s right arm and leg were gone. Kaleem held his head back, and his howl boomed through the forest, louder than any bullet or bomb.

My wolf howled in my head, as did all the wolves around us, creating a unified howl that could probably be heard for miles.

However, my spine was healing slowly, and I locked eyes with Kaleem, my magnificent mate.

He growled, Colin’s blood running from his mouth like a river, and the centaur I’d met in town, who’d almost fought Jackson, appeared behind him.

There was a sword in his right hand the length of my entire body, and the human anti-super I recognized from Colin’s office was being held off the ground by his throat.

He was thrown to the ground beside Colin, and the gunshots started to die away.

Roots controlled by nymphs and faes wrapped around the anti-supers, trapping them all, and I closed my eyes. The war was over.

“Jackson’s dead,” I heard Kaleem say, and my head whipped around. “He accidentally shot himself with one of the guns these humans made for killingallof us.”

Marian and I looked at each other while Colin lay in a bloody pile on the ground, but he was alive and hearing everything Kaleem was saying.

Kaleem called a witch forward who started healing Colin’s wounds, and I frowned.

“I won’t kill you,” Kaleem growled. “You’ll spend the rest of your life behind bars for what you’ve done, you and the humans you sided with to destroy this pack and town.”

Tags: Layla Silver Silverdawn Wolves Paranormal