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I nodded. “I do.”

“Colin’s still playing his sly games because he knew or hoped the history you two have would influence you,” Killian’s eyes narrowed. “Did it?”

I didn’t answer, but I didn’t need to. Killian knew me like very few people did. Of course, Diana would influence my decision. I now knew the horrific life she was subjected to all these years, and this was my chance at fixing that.

“I know why he sent her and not someone else,” I replied. “I still stand by what I said to you and the others. If I can help to save children, I will.”

“Okay, but be careful, brother, that’s all I’m saying. Diana might not be using you, but Colin is using her,” Killian heaved a sigh while burying his hands in his pockets. “I returned home at the right time, it would seem.”

“Sure,” I grumbled, and he laughed.

“Come on, you missed me,” he teased but soon grew serious. “I’ve got your back, brother, always. You know that, right?”

“I do, of course,” I replied. “Iamglad you’re home. I don’t doubt you’ll be called away soon, though.”

Killian shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I hope not. I was gone for far too long this time. I want to stay in Wolfcreek for a while.” He frowned. “It’s funny, I’ve traveled so much and been to so many countries, and I’m yet to meet my mate or just anyone in general that I feel a spark with.”

“You’re young, Killian, and you haven’t been to every corner of the planet,” I told him. “You’ll find her soon enough, and hopefully, your union won’t be as complicated as mine with Diana. But I wasn’t aware you were searching for something serious. You tell me you’re dating someone new every couple of months.”

Killian laughed. “That’s where the lack of spark comes in. It never works out.”

“Or maybe you’re too picky,” I rebutted, and he pinned me with a questioning glare.

“Really? You’re going to talk to me about being picky?”

I laughed. “Fair enough.”

I looked to my left, and Killian growled.

Colin’s scent was as I remembered it, like smoke and spices, and since I’d seen Jackson only a few days ago, I knew he was with Colin as well.

When they stepped into the open and joined us, my jaws clenched, and my wolf growled. No matter how much time passes, I’d never forget the mayhem this man had caused. He and his pack had been living well enough on their own territory, and because of greed, they lost that. Because of Colin, Diana lost more than just our mate bond.

I’d been so convinced she’d move on to have a good life. Now I had to wonder, if I’d known Colin’s plan beforehand, would I have rejected her? Like she said, nothing from the past could be changed now, and I’d already decided to welcome the Bluemoon Pack back to Wolfcreek, something Colin planned for by sending Diana.

But I had terms, and without them being met, neither Colin nor his pack would be able to spend an hour in Wolfcreek. I’d find some way to help Diana otherwise if she’d let me.

For a second, no one said anything while we observed each other. Standing just behind Colin, Jackson looked as smug as always, but he was a young man misguided by his grandfather. He had potential, but it was wasted.

“Alpha Kaleem,” Colin finally said while stepping forward, and the smile that curved his lips made me growl internally. “Thank you for agreeing to see me.”

“Anti-supers are a threat to us all,” I replied. “I was told you’ve lost a few members to them?”

Colin nodded, but his eyes drifted to Killian. “Yes, unfortunately, we have.”

That was all he said, but I wasn’t bothered or was fishing for more details. I’d already made preparations for him to be watched. The sooner we got this over with, the better.

“I assume you already know my decision,” I said. “That’s why you sent Diana, right?”

Colin bent his head to the side like a confused dog. “I’m not sure I know what you mean. I sent a diplomatic member that could speak on my behalf.”

Beside me, Killian snorted and shook his head.

“Right,” I replied. I was in no way interested in his games. “The Bluemoon Pack can return to Wolfcreek and reclaim the territory they had before, nowhere else.” Colin nodded, and I continued speaking. “Vandalizing the town, harassing or bullying any other species won’t be tolerated, and all children are to be enrolled in school.”

“The pack will contribute to Wolfcreek, just like every other species here. You own nothing in Wolfcreek other than your territory, just like my pack. Clear?”

Colin nodded once more. “Yes, understood.”

Tags: Layla Silver Silverdawn Wolves Paranormal