Page 48 of Never Gone

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All the confused emotions in him coalesced into a mind-blocking ball of lust and he had to kiss her, had to possess her right then. He lowered his mouth to hers and took her lips in a fierce kiss, plunging and hard and intense, infusing every ounce of his heartfelt indefinable feelings into her. His arms wrapped her and pressed her until he felt her against the entire surface of his body as his lips caressed and sucked and pressed.

The moan came from her, he was fairly certain. The siren sound put him over the edge. His cock demanded that he take action and he lifted her from her feet right then. Without breaking their kiss, he carried her to her bedroom and fell onto the bed with her rolling until he was over her, moving his hands under her shirt, finding those glorious breasts.

“My God, Joe—” He pressed his lips back onto hers as he pushed her skirt up, finding the edge of her panties. His cock strained painfully against the zipper of his jeans, but he could wait. He needed to feel her, make her come and see her sexy face wild with orgasmic bliss before anything else happened.Before he left her.

“You’re wet.” He plunged a finger deep into her dripping folds, heard her suck in a breath.

She moved a hand down between their bodies.

“You’re hard.” Her raspy words turned him on. Every damn thing about her turned him on. That was something. There was more, he knew. But he couldn’t tell what it was with the haze of lust blurring his good sense.

She unzipped his pants as he explored her slick center, finding the nub, feeling her jump and twitch.

“Joe . . . you’re killing me. I want you to come inside me . . . together.” He knew what she was trying to say, understood the compelling desire, the all-consuming need to join together to share the ultimate peak of the universe at once, as one. He kissed her sensual plump lips long and hard, then pulled back, removed his hand from her juicy pussy. Kneeling, he took a long feasting look at her.

Without him asking, she slid her blouse off and unhooked her bra, letting her glistening round breasts fall free, nipples swollen and dark. The sight made his cock twitch like mad.

“Let me help you out of your skirt.”

A flash of pure sexy siren lit her face in answer. She lifted her hips and he reached under her to unzip the skirt then slid it over her perfect ass and down her thighs, grabbing her panties along the way. He pulled everything down past her ankles, backing off the bed, leaving her naked in the dawn light.

Staring at her, he felt his cock go ramrod stiff, pulsing with need.

“You need some help undressing?” She went up on her elbows, giving him her signature sex-kitten smile, the one that never failed to make his juices flow. The banks were flooding now.

“No.” His voice came out gruff as he unzipped his jeans, releasing his writhing cock. Seeing the look on her face go from teasing to hungry was worth the wait. He was determined to make this memorable. Not that he’d ever forget Mae, no matter what happened.

“God, Joe. You are sonotaverage.”

That made him smile as he stripped down to nothing.

“Pose for me.” She didn’t ask. He didn’t hesitate. Flexing his muscles, he turned slightly and did a strongman pose, the kind shown in bodybuilding magazines. With one very large difference. His cock was rock-solid and fully erect, standing proudly at a gravity-defying 45-degree angle from his body.

“Oh my God. You are magnificent.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper. “I want to touch and lick and suck every part of you.”

“Your wish is my command.” He went to her then, kneeling on the bed before her as she sat up. He let her, just for a minute, take his cock in her hands and then lower her lips over the tip. She sucked and licked, flicking her tongue along the seam, taking in his leaking juices.

The racking shudder that went through him felt like exquisite thunder in his blood, pulses of pleasure racing through him.Not yet.

With his shaky hands gentle on the sides of her face, he lifted her head, almost wept as he felt her hot wet lips slide off the tip, her tongue flicking one last time.

“Not yet,” he said aloud.

God, that was hard to do. But as he gazed down at her face, at the passion and the sensual rosiness of arousal, he forgot about himself. He wanted to make this woman weep with pleasure. He pushed her back down onto the bed then bent to kiss her, beginning with her mouth, those hot generous lips he adored. His intention was to kiss every part of her, to make her tingle and yearn with excitement, so that when he got to her pussy she would be dripping with desire, more than ready. Then he would lick every last drop of her sexy juice, make her writhe until she couldn’t stand it, make her come again and again.

Then when she was swollen and panting, he would tease her wet marble with the tip of his cock, mingle their juices until he couldn’t wait. With his hand, he would guide his cock to her hot slick opening and then he would push, moving slow and long, and press his cock all the way inside her until their hips touched.

Moving over, he followed the trail of his imagination, and with his cock inside her, he held himself on one arm, moved back, sliding almost all the way out. With the separation, he slid his hand between them and found her pulsing nub impossibly swollen as she moaned and writhed. He played with her slick womanhood, circling, pressing, and pulsing his hips.

“Joe . . . I want you . . . forever.” She screamed and bucked wildly, clenching her legs around him, and he shoved his hips forward, plunging inside her, pumping fast, feeling her tighten around his cock as he surged and came flooding hot inside her, spasm after spasm of orgasmic cum, hers and his mingling. Together.

Forever. She’d saidforever.

He lay on top of her, holding her in his arms, kissing her hair, her face, her mouth, whispering to her how magnificent she was, because she was, for a long time. He didn’t know how long, in truth. But she finally asked him to let her breathe.

When he rolled to her side, she came up on hers with an elbow propping her head and she stared at him with a longing, loving, faraway look. The kind that made him think she was thinking about fairy tale endings.

That’s when he knew he had to leave. He was no fairy tale. He was a guy with a life. One that had no room for Mae’s fairy tale ending.

Tags: Stephanie Queen Erotic