Page 34 of Never Gone

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Chapter 12

They drove to the hotel not far from the studio. In unnerving silence. At least Joe was silent. She’d asked him what his better plan was, but he’d said he would tell her in due time, when he’d worked out all the details in his head first.

The man was maddening. He also, with a mere look or touch—even a thought—made her melt like chocolate candy left in the sun too long. Butterflies flew wild in her gut on a regular basis in his company. She’d never experienced anything like it.

Joe turned the car into the drive of the Sunset Tower Hotel before she realized where they were.

“We’re staying here?”

“When in Rome,” he said.

She couldn’t help her grin. “I didn’t think it was your style.”

“It’s not. But it’s most definitelyyourstyle.”

She couldn’t argue with that. The glamorous landmark held as much Hollywood history as her wardrobe warehouse—and that was saying something. But as tickled as she was, her giddiness was tempered by the fact that they were so entirely opposite. Her giddiness was in exact contrast to his tolerant lack of enthusiasm. She appreciated his indulgence, but felt the drag of disappointment in the fact that he couldn’t share her delight.

Or maybe he could. Sure, they were from different worlds, but maybe he’d enjoy her delight in a secondary way. She’d take it. The grin and her ebullience let loose, and the minute she stepped from the car, she went into his arms.

“Take it easy.” He held her off, but only for a beat before he relented. “It’s only a hotel, Mae.” He tried to be severe, but she heard the smile in his voice as she wrapped her arms around him. She wanted to hang on with a strange sense of urgency. Probably the week’s crazy events catching up with her. Joe had been her rock.

Thirty minutes later, they settled into the hotel suite and she realized she needed a few things, personal feminine things.

“How about if I go out for a quick errand? It should be okay. Salvatore Vito will have no idea I’m here.”

“How about if I go out and pick up whatever you need,” Joe said. It wasn’t a question. “I don’t see a reason for you to take any chances. That’s what I’m here for.”

“Sure. You can pick me up some deodorant, hairspray, extra-rich body mousse, a box of tampons and—”

“Whoa, what?”

“You heard me, big boy. If it makes you feel better, you can mix a few packs of condoms in with the tampons.” She winked, holding her breath while she gauged his reaction.

He gave her a long, lingering stare before he picked up the card the valet had given him. Impossible to say if he would take her up on the invitation suggested by the condoms. Damn man was a proper Bostonian down to his bones. No more rule breaking for him.

“A little outside your wheelhouse?”

“Did I mention I grew up in an all-male household?”

The admission gave her a jolt, but she took it in stride.

“That explains a lot. But I can’t talk. I grew up in an all-female household.” For the most part. She tried not to count the endless parade of her mother’s boyfriends who had appeared and disappeared with more frequency than the paper boy.

He took in her response with no comment. They were at a standoff in the sharing intimacy department—again.

“I’ll be back. Shouldn’t take long. Order us something good for dinner. Room service. Don’t leave the room.”

Fighting her impulse to stay close was futile and she’d forgotten why she ought to bother, ever since his vulnerable admission that he’d grown up without a mother. No matter how back-handed and obscure the admission had been. So she didn’t fight it.

After following him to the door, she stood on the threshold and kissed him. No small peck on the cheek. She threw herself into it, settling her mouth onto his, tasting him and taking in the rough cool feel of him, smelling the masculine scents. The dizzying overload to her senses spun her until she felt drunk on Joe Temple, the man, the hero of her dreams. She couldn’t tell the difference between the two.

There was no difference between the two. Not as far as she was concerned.

He held her shoulders, keeping her in place, keeping her from crushing him, but he took in her kiss, giving back everything she gave and more.

When she would have pulled him back inside their room, to hell with the tampons, he stepped back. Yet again.

“Let me go. I’ll be back.”

Tags: Stephanie Queen Erotic