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There was a long pause. “I’d love to, but I don’t think I can make it over. I have an open house on Sunday.”

“Actually I was thinking about coming to Houston.” Where the hell had that come from? He was impressed with how smoothly that improvisation had come off. “I’m off Saturday,” he continued. “We could have dinner Friday night and spend Saturday together if you’re interested.”

Another small pause. “I’m interested.”

He had to physically restrain himself from pumping his fist and muttering, “Yeah.”

“Okay, so I’ll call you when I get into Houston Friday evening. I can swing by and get you.”

“That sounds great. I’ll look forward to seeing you then.”

They said their goodbyes and Wes hung up, exhilarated over the idea of seeing her. A perplexed feeling fell over him. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Was Gracie right? Was he falling for Payton?

He shook his head. It was just sex. Great sex, mind you, but just sex all the same. It wasn’t every day you got to go back and correct past mistakes, and his first encounter with Payton had certainly constituted one of his bigger fuck-ups.

Now he had to find a hotel room in Houston. Oh, and he’d have to get back with Gracie for some advice. He wanted Friday night to be special. A night Payton wouldn’t forget. A night like she’d deserved twelve years ago. He wanted to do it right this time.

Wes hit the 610 loop on the tail end of rush-hour traffic and was gratified that the line of cars moved at a steady pace. Beside him in the cab sat four sacks of shit Gracie had been all too happy to foist on him. Damn woman must have shopped for hours for all of it, but when she’d outlined her idea, he had to admit, it rocked. Well, at least in theory.

He found himself looking forward to seeing Payton again. At first, he’d focused on the promise of great sex, but in reality what had stayed on his mind was the time he’d spent lying in bed, after the great sex, Payton curled in his arms, the time they’d spent talking.

The thought made him vaguely uncomfortable. He knew he shouldn’t admit to liking cuddle time and pillow talk. For God’s sake, that was shit all his married buddies got into.

Yeah, he wanted tonight to be perfect, but it just meant he was a considerate guy. It didn’t mean he was going to start wearing a pussy label on his forehead.

As he neared his exit, he popped open his cell phone and dialed Payton’s number.

“Hey,” he said when she answered the phone. “You ready?”

A sigh echoed over the line. “Yeah, I’ll be ready.”

“Everything okay?”

“Oh, I’m fine. Just tired. Long day.”

His brain went into overdrive. She did sound tired. A thought hit him, and he mentally applauded his genius. “Hey, I have an idea. Can you give me an hour?”

There was a long pause. “Uh, okay. What’s up?”

He chuckled at her obvious confusion. “Give me an hour, and I’ll come get you. It’s a surprise.”

He closed the phone and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he navigated to the hotel he’d made a reservation at. He’d need to hurry, but he was confident he could pull it off.

The original plan had been for them to eat out, but her fatigue gave him the perfect excuse to implement his mad seduction scheme.

He checked in then lugged the bags to his room. He took a quick inventory then hauled out the huge yellow pages phone book and scanned for potential takeout places. When he found what he wanted, he tore out the page and stuffed it into his pocket for later use.

He turned his attention to the large Jacuzzi tub that stood in the corner of the suite. Rummaging around in one of the bags, he pulled out several candles and began strategically placing them up the steps of the tub and along the ledge.

He continued his decoration and when he’d peppered the entire room with the floral-scented candles, he pulled out the two dozen roses, a mixture of pink and red. He felt a little ridiculous as he arranged each single stem amidst the candles, spreading them out for the maximum effect, but when he pictured Payton’s reaction, the awkwardness fled. He wanted to see her smile, wanted to see her smile for him.

Next, he hauled the small table from the corner and placed it to the side of the tub and arranged the two chairs to face each other.

He tucked the remaining bag under the desk so it would be in easy reaching distance then stood and rubbed his hands together as he surveyed his handiwork. Now he just needed to light all the candles and hope to hell he didn’t burn down the hotel while he went to get Payton.

Lastly, he pulled out a red satin sash, letting it glide over his fingers. Then he shoved it into his pocket and headed out of the room.

When he got back into his truck, he spent a few seconds studying the directions Payton had given him to her apartment. He’d chosen the hotel because of its proximity to where she lived, so it shouldn’t take him more than five minutes at most to get there.

Payton checked her appearance in the bathroom mirror for the fourth time since Wes had called and said he’d be there in five minutes. She’d foregone the casual, country bumpkin look and opted instead for a sexier, more sophisticated style.

She’d piled her hair atop her head, allowing a few strands to fall softly down her neck. Simple diamond studs adorned her ears, and she fidgeted with the back on one of them before smoothing the short silk skirt she’d chosen.

Hose and high heels. What man could resist long legs and killer shoes?

When she heard the knock at her door, she hurried out of the bathroom and down the hall. She opened the door to see Wes standing there looking sexy as sin, clothed in tight, faded blue jeans and a T-shirt that stretched across a very broad, muscled chest.

“Hi,” he said softly. “You ready?”

“Let me get my purse,” she said as she reached to grab it off the hook.

She turned back to him and walked out, closing the door behind her. No sooner had she done so than he pulled her into his arms, tipping her chin up as his mouth slanted down over hers.

She melted against him, loving his hardness, his strength and just how damn good he felt to hold on to. His tongue ran over the seam of her mouth, and she opened breathlessly for him as he plunged inside.

“Hey yourself,” she said huskily as he pulled away.

Dark, hooded eyes stared down at her. He ran a thumb across her lip then let his hand fall to wrap his fingers around her wrist and tug her along behind him as he walked toward his truck.

“So what’s the big surprise?” she asked when they’d both gotten in.

He glanced sideways at her and grinned. “Well, now, if I told you then it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

She smiled and settled back against the seat, briefly closing her eyes.

He reached across the space between them and curled his fingers around hers. His thumb massaged her palm in a soft, circular motion. Comforting, soothing. Her worries seem to melt away. He had that effect on her for some reason.

Tags: Maya Banks Unspoken Romance