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“Look Chelsea, I don’t want you to get the wrong impression.”

Reaching over, she grabs hold of my cock and laughs. I’m stunned into silence as my cock responds with a surge of hallelujah.

“Oh, I have the right impression, all right.”

Pulling her hand off before I crash the car, my nerves spike and my heart goes into that excited rhythm, the one that anticipates sex, sending all the blood to my greedy cock and leaving me almost dizzy with want.

Even though she lets me remove her hand from me, she’s still leaning close, still hot, the scent of her crowding out what little thinking ability I have left. Belatedly I realize I never should have trapped myself with her in the intimate confines of a car.Fuck me.

I should have more self-control than this. Idohave more self-control. Get a grip, O’Rourke.

It’s too late to ask her where she’s staying because I’m already driving to where I know—to my apartment in Chestnut Hill. My home until the end of the month. With Levi gone, I’m there alone. She can stay in his room.

“Guess we’re going to your place. I’m glad. I would have suggested it since I’m staying in a dorm room with a tiny twin bed.”

“It’s not going to be like that, Chelsea. You and I are not—”

“Why not? You can’t say you don’t want me, Ryan, because we both know you do.”

I swerve the car into the driveway and screech to a stop.

“Stop. You’re out of control. You’ve had way too much to drink.” I don’t even look at her as I say the words because I don’t want to see that face. It’s so fucking beautiful, but too familiar. My dick yells that it’s not the same young girl face, not the one I’ve always been fond of like a kid sister. This is a very sexy woman’s face. And no way am I looking at her that way.

Tags: Stephanie Queen Romance