Page 89 of Never with Me

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“I’ll tell you what. You find me the love of my life as I did you, and I’ll gladly give you naming rights of my firstborn.” Palmer laughs.

“Be careful, Palmer,” I tease her. “I just might do that.”

She shrugs. “I don’t need a man to be happy. I have my family, you, who will soon be family once my brother makes it official, and my studio. Captured Moments is doing great, and this shoot brought me so much business. So, it’s me that should be thanking you.”

“Are we still hanging out?” I ask her.

“Yes. Since we’re all here, we should head to the diner for lunch and then back to your place.”

“I’ll finish up early, and we can throw something on the grill for dinner.”

“Wow,” Piper breathes. “You really are a changed man,” she teases.

“That’s what the love of a good woman will do to you.” Deacon winks and all three of us burst with laughter. I kiss him goodbye, promising to get the canvas prints home safe and leave him to finish his day while I spend the day with his sisters.

I’m technically a millionaire and don’t have to work, but I’m looking forward to starting on Monday and getting to spend my days with Deacon. I don’t know if it’s my forever, but it’s my right now. The only forever I need to be certain of is Deacon and that Willow River is home.

epilogue ramsey


It’s been six months today since the Willow Tavern caught fire. Hank has been working tirelessly to finish the rebuild on the Tavern.

Today, is finally the day. Hank is reopening his doors to the Tavern. Well, kind of. It’s what he’s calling a soft opening. Where people he’s close with come and check the place out. He has his staff run through procedures with a small, forgiving crowd of patrons. His real opening night is next weekend. Turns out most of the patrons are my family, or Deacon’s. That’s small-town living for you. Deacon and I have helped with painting and a few other odd jobs to help Hank get ready for the opening. I assume they’re all here to support us, and by default, support Hank.

“Everything looks so different,” I say to Deacon as we take in the new look.

“Yeah,” he agrees. “Hank said there was so much smoke and water damage, the insurance called it a complete loss.”

“I’m glad he was able to rebuild. Willow River isn’t Willow River without the Willow Tavern,” I say.

Deacon laughs. “Say that three times fast.”

“Hi, brother,” Palmer says, taking me by the hand. “Bye, brother,” she calls, pulling me toward a table in the back. Jade and Piper are already there waiting for us.

“Hey.” I wave as I slide into the booth.

“How did you get her away from Deacon?” Piper asks.

“I just grabbed her hand and ran.” Palmer grins, proud of herself.

“Damn,” Jade mutters, her focus somewhere over my shoulder.

We all turn to follow her gaze, and it’s hard to tell who she’s talking about. But I can see the appeal. All nine of my cousins, even the twins, are here with my aunt and uncle. Deacon’s parents are here as well as a few other people like Hank’s brother, Heath.

“I’m calling dibs on that one.” Piper points to the group of guys.

“You’re going to have to be more specific,” Jade tells her.

“Heath.” Her face goes red.

“Heath, huh?” Palmer asks.

“We kind of went out on a date last weekend.”

“What?” the three of us ask. “And you didn’t tell us?” Jade comments.

The four of us have become really close. Palmer will always be my number one, but the other two are great girls, and it’s nice to have friends who are friends with me because they choose to be, not because of the size of my parents’ bank account.

“Which one for you?” Palmer asks Jade.

“They’re all gorgeous.”

“Come on now. Fess up,” Piper encourages her. “I told.”

Piper and Jade reconnected, and they are now besties like Palmer and me.

“Fine. Orrin,” Jade whispers quietly.

“Yeah?” I ask, nodding. “He’s a sweetie.”

“It’s just a thing. As I said, they’re all easy on the eyes.”

I glance over at Palmer, and I can already see her wheels turning. “What about you?” I lean my shoulder into my best friend. “You can only pick one,” I tell her.

“Hmmm, Brooks,” she confesses. “Have you seen that fine man in his scrubs?” she asks, making us all laugh.

“You’re lucky,” Jade speaks up.

“How so?” I ask her.

“I’d give anything to have a man look at me the way that Deacon looks at you.”

“I am lucky.” I’m quick to agree with her.

“Speaking of my brother.” Piper nods, and when I turn my head, my man is standing next to our booth.

epilogue deacon


I’ve been packing this ring around with me for weeks. It wasn’t until Hank invited us to this soft opening that I knew tonight was going to be the night. I called him and told him my plan, scoring invites for her family and mine to be here. I basically highjacked his soft opening for my own purposes and I don’t feel a damn bit guilty for it. I paid for an open bar and food for everyone. After all, it’s a night worth celebrating.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance