Page 38 of Overcoming the Beta

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Watching the beast of a man be so gentle with Jessi, I can’t help but to wonder how he can be a rough and tough royal guard. Then I imagine him knocking Ian around in the ring in my honor and I giggle in my head.Is that wrong?For all the crap that Ian put me through, he deserves it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want Ian seriously hurt… but a bump, bruise, or two is just what the doctor ordered, in my opinion. I guess we’ll see if it changes him for the better.

“Thank you for talking to him about the way he treated me. Hopefully, it did some good.” I smile and nod.

“You’re very welcome, Kate. If Ian changed, it wasn’t just my doing. Change comes from deep inside a person. They have to want to change, and there’s no amount of talking or beating that will change them. You may not realize this, but there were many people who thought the way he treated you was wrong and let him know about it. Our future king being one of them.” He looks from me to Jessi, “I need to go check in with Alpha Nathaniel and offer my services… if needed. Are you going to be okay?” He rubs his thumb against Jessi’s jawline.

“Of course, babe, because I know you’re never too far away.” Adam leans in and places a gentle but firm kiss on Jessi’s lips. My breath hitches as I watch them, and another ping of jealousy hits my chest. This is what I want, a mate who is loving, caring, and dedicated.

“It was nice meeting you, Kate. Hopefully, I will see you around and get to know you better… as Ian’s mate.” He bows his head, then walks away. For a large man, I notice how gracefully he moves, just like the other palace warriors I have seen. It must be in their training.

“Jealous, bitch?” Jessi wrinkles her nose and gives me a cocky smile.

“Pfft, no… maybe,” I laugh and roll my eyes.

“Yeah, this should be you right now. I should have been the one who ran off to New York.” Jessi rubs her belly.

“So weird, you never really wanted pups. What changed?” I lean back.

“I didn’t. Adam wanted pups so bad but was willing to wait five years. Even though he’s ten years older than me, he understands that I’m young. We both agreed we have a lot of time. Then I started training as a royal healer under his grandmother.” She adjusts in her seat.

“Oh, so you’re a nurse, like your mom?” I interrupt her.

“Not exactly. Royal healers use herbal potions mixed with a little magic. His grandmother saw a healer within me and took me under her wing. Anyway, at his grandmother’s place is where I met Elliot, his four… five-year-old nephew. The more time I spent with Elliot, the more I didn’t want to wait for pups. I told Adam and without giving it a second thought, he tossed out my birth control pills and boom, two months later, knocked up.” She pats her belly.

“So, you got pup fever from spending time with a pup?” I laugh.

“That shit is contagious, like crazy. You should try it.” She pushes my leg.

“Do you know how lucky you are, bitch?” I press my knuckles into Jessi’s shoulder, “cute and caters to your every whim.”

“Don’t forget huge.” Jessi holds her hands in front of her about twelve inches apart and pushes them towards me. “Huge!” She continues to hold her hands up, “did I mention HUGE!” She smiles proudly and giggles, watching me blush as I realize she is showing her mate’s member’s size.

“Oh my goddess, Jessi.” I gasp and push her hands down to her lap and look around. My face is flush and I’m sure that I’m beet red.

“Same ol’ Kate,” Jessi laughs hysterically. “You’re acting like a prude little virgin… which I know you’re not. You two were pretty hot and heavy in the sack. I’m sure the two of you are back at it like rabbits.” She says through her laughter.

“And you’re the same ol’ Jessi.” I laugh, “stop laughing so hard or that pup is going to pop right out.” I point at her belly. “And no, we are not going at it like rabbits. There’s nothing going on in that department.” I purse my lips and sigh out.

“Please, we’ve been having sex twice a day, trying to get this little fella to come out. I guess he’s comfy in there,” she pats her belly. “Really? So, tell me, what’s really going on with you and the beta?” Her smile and laugh fade to a more serious look and tone.

I spend the next few hours filling Jessi in on everything; Ian showing up in New York for my birthday, still feeling the mate bond with Ian, Darren asking me to marry him, Ian refusing to accept it’s over between the two of us. I even tell her what we did in my apartment, and how Ian and I got caught by Darren. Not a single filthy detail was missed. I lay everything out in front of her, including how bad I feel about cheating on Darren with Ian. I end with me throwing a coffee mug at his head and my dad calling me an asshole, before I learned Ian slept on my front porch all night.

“Wow, so after you rejected Ian and all that time you still felt the mate bond?” Jessi breathes out and tilts her head as if she is trying to digest everything that I told her.

“Yes, it was faint in New York, but it was there. It seems to be getting stronger, though.” I carefully explain.

“How’s that even possible?” Jessi looks confused.

“Luna Martha explained that in order for a rejection to work, both have to accept it. He didn’t accept the rejection before I left.” I shrug my shoulders.

“Rookie mistake,” she laughs. “Moon Goddess must have some cosmic plans for the two of you.” Jessi shakes her head and rubs her belly.

“Why do you say that?” I stare at her intently and tilt my head.

“Think about it. She must really want you two together to keep the mate bond intact.” Jessi looks like she is in deep thought, as she nods her head.

“Hmmm, I never thought of it like that.” Both Jessi and I sit in silence, lost in our thoughts. I think about what Adam said about change coming from inside someone, that they have to want it. So does that mean that Ian really wants me and only me… that he is done with other women?

“But…” Jessi breaks our silence, “if it turns out that he is some master manipulator, Adam has some hot cousins that will treat you right.” She winks. “maybe Moon Goddess would bless you a second chance mate… the future king is still unmated,” she nudges me with her elbow. I laugh at her antics; she always has a way of making me laugh.

Tags: Krys Strong Paranormal