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Chapter Three

Leif spent the night, cradling me in his arms after making love to me until we were both exhausted, then again in the morning. He gave me the sweetest kiss and looked deep into my eyes. “Did I make it better? At all?”

No…because what was freaking me out could not be fixed by even the very best sex. But… “Having you here made me feel much safer, but the whole kingdom is at risk.” I managed a grin. “That does not mean we shouldn’t do this again as often as possible.”

His wink was adorable, but when he disappeared down the tower stairs, and the door at the bottom clicked closed behind him, my brain went right back to the issue at hand. With Bors roaming outside our borders, very little kept him from entering the kingdom. If he did, and he was spotted, he’d be subject to my, to our laws and taken immediately into custody. But he’d have to be seen. And I didn’t get much comfort from the fact he had been seen outside.

In fact, I wondered if that was deliberate.

He of all people would have no trouble crossing the barrier. Bors likely knew every avenue of ingress and egress. Maybe some of my guards and “scouts” did not. I believed he would make a move on the castle and try to take me down. The High Council would disapprove of course, but the fact he was out roaming around showed how effective their control was. They’d had a small force who came in and took him out of power because he didn’t expect them, but if he managed to regain his seat, this time, he wouldn’t call himself regent but king, and he’d be sure no one in the family was left who the opposition could focus on.

And there were only two other members, besides him, currently alive, to the best of my knowledge. I flung myself out of bed and grabbed my phone, shoving my arms into a robe while waiting for the call to Jillian to connect.

Her face appeared on the screen, the big smile not at all diminished by her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail and the streak of dirt across her cheek.

The words flowed below.Good morning! You’re awake early.

My sister had already been in the vegetable gardens or perhaps the woods where she gathered all sorts of things. “I am. Yes.”

She typed, I spoke…it helped with both of our difficulties. My hearing was on a downward trajectory, some days almost normal, others nearly gone. The healers said it was a genetic thing, and there was nothing to do for it. Or they wanted to try outlandish cures that I feared would do more harm than good.

Jillian’s hearing was perfect, but she could not speak. Twins…not identical but still two sides of a coin.Why are you up? You are all flushed…

“Uncle Bors is loose.”

And that did remove her smile. A cloud passed over Jillian’s features, followed by a flush.I thought he was dead.

“They never entirely said that. The High Council I mean.” And I remembered word for word what they did say.

Those who killed your parents have been dealt with and will trouble you no more. We thought there was peace in this land, but when your sister’s hearing deteriorated, they regretted their choice. And when someone accidentally learned you’d survived, they made plans to replace Janis with you. It was more than we could tolerate. And we handled the situation.

“No, they said…”

That the evildoers would trouble us no more.Jillian’s lips were tight, her jaw worked, as if she ground her teeth.But it sounds as though those old fuddy-duddies are as useless as ever. Do we need to come? My mates will be glad to help.

“Not now. But I wanted you to know. So your mates and your alpha will know to protect you. Be watchful, sister.”

We will, but I am more afraid for you. If you ask, we will come instantly.

How had I loved without my twin in my life for so long? “Thank you. I will keep you updated.”

We ended our conversation, and I dressed and went down for breakfast. The High Council had indeed proven it had no teeth. True, they had done one very good thing, but now they’d relapsed into their old ways.

They didn’t even care enough to notice their prisoner was gone.

We had to take care of this problem ourselves. And as long as the old goat was poking around outside our borders, we couldn’t do much. But the moment he crossed the barrier, he was mine. And he would not trouble anyone again, after this.

Nor would he get a trial.

I called the heads of the guilds and the advisors, the local village leaders, everyone of consequence to the throne room. This announcement was breaking tradition of many years, maybe centuries. We had no death penalty in this kingdom, capital cases always sent to the High Council.

But since they’d neglected to play their role, I’d just spent an hour behind closed doors writing a proclamation, of which my mates held copies to pass out after it was read aloud. My uncle and his minions had put my parents to death and attempted to kill my sister. He had beggared my subjects and nearly destroyed this kingdom.

The court crier unrolled the original scroll upon which I had inked the words of this first proclamation in memory.

“Hear ye, hear ye. All draw near to hear the will of our beloved Queen Janis, whose care for this kingdom is unsurpassed.” He waited to read the scroll until all other conversation ceased, and every head was turned to him. The poor guy was probably thrilled to actually get to do his job for the first time. “The former regent has been seen nearby. By virtue of the power of the throne, Queen Janis decrees his life forfeit for his many crimes. The subject who brings proof of his demise will receive a bag of gold and a plaque memorializing their achievement.”

He stepped back and a buzz started up among those present. My subjects would all enjoy a plaque, but a bag of gold was enough to keep a family for a full generation in comfort.

I rose from the throne and they quieted again. “My subjects, this evil man would undo all the good we’ve been doing, and he seeks to kill me and my sister. Also, as many of you as he can for your loyalty. I ask you, exercise care when you strike him down. I would not have a hair harmed on any of your heads.”

I left before they could respond, wondering if I had sunk to his level but unable to think of anything else to do.

I would not have my people harmed, and if he succeeded, they would return to misery. If necessary, I would twist his neck with my own hands and watch the life die from his evil eyes.

With pleasure.

Tags: Mazzy J. March The Queen's Mates Fantasy