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Chapter Eighteen

“We have a small problem, Your Majesty.” Candace came up to my room early, like at the crack of dawn early.

“Well, good morning to you, too. What’s the problem?”

“Let’s get dressed. Jeans and a shirt and some walking shoes. Might want to make it snappy, the people are restless.”

What in the world?

I got up as quickly as possible and ran a brush through my hair after cleaning my teeth. Dressed like a normal person, I ran down the stairs. Gods, there were too many stairs in this place, my brains were beginning to jiggle.

“What is it?” I asked Arne who was already down there looking like he had gotten up with the sun to be ready to go.

He kissed my temple and I gasped at the crowd of people around me.

“Your people have gotten word that this is the system that will give us electricity and water access for the kingdom. They are here to help. Everyone is here to help.”

I looked at the crowd. There were bakers and farmers and even stable hands ready to work with their primitive tools.

We were in trouble.

“Can you teach them?” I asked Arne, hating that I was giving him even more responsibility and even more weight on his back, but at the same time, knowing there was no one else suited to organize the job. “Or can they apprentice with some of the outside experts?”

“I can.” He faced the crowd and I had to position myself to see his mouth. “This will be a learning experience for us all. We will learn together. If you are willing to be patient, we can do this as a kingdom, as a team.”

He got some grunts, and several people walked away, but a greater number of them stayed.

“Okay, I’ll need three teams. Leif, Gunnar, can you lead a team?” They nodded, having arrived a few seconds after me. “Good. Gunnar will be in charge of the water system. Leif, you will be in charge of the solar panels. And I will lead the team for the computer setup and systems monitoring. We all have a lot to learn but a hell of a lot more to gain. Let’s break into teams and tackle this.”

The people followed their orders, matching up with outside workers to learn the tasks, and soon everyone was at work. Boxes and crates were stripped open while my mates took on the first pages of book-like instruction manuals that scared me just by the size of them.

“What can I do?” I asked Arne like a lost sheep in a field.

“You are on my team. We want you to know how to run everything on the main level. The computers run everything and keep tabs on how much water and energy are being produced. I will do most of the work myself, but we want you to know how to run everything. It’s important that you do. Don’t you agree?”

I did. I didn’t want to be one of those queens who just sat on the throne or signed letters without knowing what was happening around me. I wanted a purpose beyond the throne, beyond telling people what to do.

I was determined to be the hands-on queen this kingdom needed.

We worked through the day and most of the night. As the day wore on, I noticed some of the people were getting more familiar with me. They would speak to me or answer my questions if I asked. Some were learning to sign and I welcomed their efforts.

One man I even recognized from the dungeons. He had been put in there upon Bors’ orders for speaking out against his reign.

“You are Carlisle, correct? How is your family?” I remembered him begging for his freedom. His mate had been left to support the family and their children in his absence.

“They are well, Your Majesty. You remembered.”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “Of course. And your four sons?”

He chuckled. “Growing like weeds and eating me out of house and home, but that’s what sons do, right?”

I laughed along with him. “I don’t know myself but I can only imagine.”

He walked away, talking to Gunnar about something when Arne approached me. “Do you think we might know someday?”

“Know what?” I melted into his embrace but had to look up to read his lips.

“Know what it’s like to raise sons.”

Oh, boy. I knew the subject would come up sooner or later but didn’t prepare myself fully.

“I’m sure we will. But we have to have the mating ceremony first, don’t you think?”

Leif walked over to us. “What did I hear about a mating ceremony? I’m ready right now.”

These men, I swear.

Tags: Mazzy J. March The Queen's Mates Fantasy