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She wrapped her arms around me. “I can’t imagine. I mean, there are stories about this kind of thing but it’s nothing we hear about happening on campus. We are supposed to be safe here.”

A sound at the window made me practically jump out of my skin. “What the hell was that?” Alara moved to the window and looked out. Her cheeks flushed, and a smile rose on her face. “It’s Mr. Tall, Dark, and Brooding. Gods, he’s tossing pebbles up here like he stepped right out of an eighties movie.”

Joining her at the window, I looked down. Zephyr was standing, arms crossed over his chest, his brow drawn downward. He looked angry, or was it worried?

“He is lickable when he looks all worried like that.” Alara slapped her hand over her mouth then let it drop to her side. “Sorry, that’s your man. But it’s true, right?”

Another thump of my heartbeat and a look at him had me agreeing. “Are you sure that expression means he’s worried?”

She laughed. “It’s concern. Like he’s holding his damned breath to make sure you’re okay, but his inner demons and hesitation keep him outside, teetering on the edge of insanity.”

I whipped my head toward her. “That was precise.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I need to get laid. Speaking should go down there.”

I should. He was there, waiting for me and, gods, that made my stomach tighten. I immediately looked down. “I need to change.”

Alara grabbed my arm. “The hell you do. That tank top makes your boobs look great. Get down there. I’m walking you though.”

My laughter temporarily slathered over my fear like a thick balm. “I need a chaperone now?”

She shrugged one shoulder. “Apparently, you do. We can’t have darklings fucking up my best friend. Come on, let’s not let that fine-ass man wait any longer.”

Chapter Seven

Alara stayed at my side all the way down to the courtyard, my personal security fairy, who did not step away until she delivered me to Zephyr. He reached for my hand, and next time I looked around, we were alone. I hoped Alara was safely back in the suite, but with Zephyr looking at me with such concern, my brain was fogged. He was so handsome and, unlike some of the guys here, he didn’t affect obviously “fairy” clothes. Nothing flashy, nothing in any color but black. Last summer, I thought his attire might be related to the casual term, but since our return, I realized it was a full-time fashion choice.

It was a little cool out this late, fall starting to take hold, and I shivered.

Zephyr started. “You’re cold.” He shrugged out of his hoodie and tucked it around my shoulders. “Let’s go inside.”

“W-where?” I asked. “Isn’t everything closed?” Was he going to take me to his room? He must have roommates too, right?

“Snack bar.”

I arched a brow in question. “Since when is there a snack bar?” I hadn’t seen anything like that. There was the dining room of course and the breakfast/lunch area. Maybe he meant that? But it had closed hours before.

“Since always. But it wasn’t open during the summer. The theory is that hungry students can’t study well, so we have an area where we can fuel up if we need to. Keep that study energy going.”

“Oh?” I snuggled into the folds of his sweatshirt. It was warm from his body heat and had a faint odor of many cologne and just a little sweat. “Lead on, then. I’m running low on snacks, and it would be nice to be able to get something to eat while studying.”

Most of our studying was indeed not in books, but memorization was key. Often from a single recitation of an epic poem or tale. I scribbled madly in a notebook I’d taken to carrying everywhere even though a lot of others didn’t. Maybe they’d learned in this style their whole lives, but I’d had the standard human—didn’t it feel weird to say it that way?—education. Read the notes, read the books...record the lecture.

I’d asked if I could record classes so I could play them over and over but was refused by each professor in turn. No explanations, just no. I didn’t ask permission for the notes and fortunately was not called out for being the only one taking any. Without them, I’d have failed every class.

The snack area was tucked into an alcove on the second floor between some of the dorms. A section I’d never entered, so not surprising I hadn’t noticed it. What was a surprise was the fact Alara had never mentioned it or brought me here. Now that I thought about it, she often did seem to have munchies and shared them. Like extra muffins.

“We can stay here if you want.” Zephyr pointed to a couple of cafe tables. “Or go to my suite?”

I was tempted…but with Bain’s kisses fresh in my mind, I was hesitant to go somewhere I might be alone with Zephyr who could probably get a nun to drop her drawers. The guy was not only sizzling but had the ability to make me feel safe and protected in any situation he’d wandered into. Bain had something of that as well, but he was more likely to guide me away, prevent something bad from happening, where I felt like Zephyr would ride in on his white stallion, or maybe fly in, bow at the ready, and shoot the bad guy through the heart.

“Can we stay here?” The words were right, but the quiver probably told him more than I wanted to just yet.

One brow arched, but he nodded. “Of course, what would you like?”

We went over the offerings and soon were seated on high stools with an array of unabashed junk food in front of us. We could have had fruit, or raw veggies...there was even a slow cooker holding a steaming soup that smelled very good. But after my experience, I selected hot Cheetos, a bar of bittersweet chocolate, and a can of cola. Zephyr had a bottle of water, but he was eating the biggest chocolate chip-macadamia nut cookie I’d ever seen.

A moment later, he looked at me and said, “Bite?”

Tags: Mazzy J. March Sciathain Academy Fantasy