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“Nissa, I don’t have time for this.” Adair’s tone was harsh, and yet, he had that same velvety bass that rushed over my skin and made my stomach pull taut. The shelf shifted and pushed me a little, and somehow it was like his hand had reached out and rocked my entire body.

“You don’t have time for this? Then why did you come here?” I peeked through the shelves, watching how she pulsed against him, rubbing her core against the front of his body. It repulsed me, and anger spindled down my spine yet, I still could not drag myself away.

“For books. This is a library. You’re the one who pulled me back here claiming you wanted to talk to me about something. So talk.”

“Baby, talking was the ruse. Don’t act like this is your first time. Or is that the game you want to play today? I know how you like to role-play.”

Shuddering, I tried to turn, to get out of there. I gripped my backpack tighter as beads of sweat began to break out along my hairline. It was like my body was frozen in place, my feet sunk in concrete that had already dried and hardened around my ankles.

I was some kind of sicko, that’s what I was.

Two days back in fairydom, and I was a voyeur.

“Nissa, I’m just not in the mood, okay? I had a fight with my parents about some bullshit over the break. I need some room to breathe.”

She giggled, and I could hear the swishing of fabric. “Let me do the work. All you have to do is breathe or moan or call my name. I’m good with all of those, actually.”

I dry heaved right there on the spot. Right there in the library of all places, it seemed sacrilegious and yet, also, the perfect spot for a rendezvous. But not those two.

Maybe for Bain and I to have a make-out session.

Or Zephyr.

A low, rumbling growl came from the other side of the shelf. In my chest, it felt like the growl was aimed toward me, but it was Nissa who stomped her foot and scoffed, “What the fuck, Adair? It’s been two weeks. If you won’t give me what I want, I will find someone else.”

He chuckled low and deep, sending the ripples of sound right through me. “Is that right? Well, go ahead, but consider this betrothal over with...and all the promised money that comes with being married to me.” There was a long, drawn-out pause. “Oh, that doesn’t sound good to you, does it? Because let’s face it, Nissa, that’s the only reason you and I are still together. Let’s not act like this is love.”

Shit. Now I was less voyeur and more paparazzi.

I turned around mostly to see the look on her face. “Don’t be silly. You know I was just joking. I would never cheat on you. But let’s talk about something else, like your back-to-school party. You are still having that, aren’t you?”

He chuckled but gently pushed her off of him and zipped his pants. “Yeah. I am. I’ll let you know the details when I get them.”

He left without another word and, like a chain being broken, I was released from the hold the atmosphere had on me. My feet were uncemented, my chest free, my lungs worked again.

I was unchained from listening to all of that bullshit.

A sigh fell from my lips. I’d gotten the gossip of the century but still couldn’t find the damned fairy-for-beginners book.

Chapter Three

Nissa followed her betrothed out the doors after a few minutes of adjusting her clothes and fluffing her hair. Were they still betrothed? I thought so but wasn’t positive. At least he was planning to invite her to the party he was holding. Would everyone be invited? Would I? I doubted he knew I was alive, so unless it was an “everyone can come” situation like a fourth-grade Valentine’s Day party where your mom doesn’t want you to hurt the feelings of the kid whose farts would turn the air blue, I probably wouldn’t hear another thing about it. Not that I was that kid, either. I’d been one of the average kids, invited to most parties but not the super coolest.

I just knew this would be one of those. If being a fairy didn’t make me cool enough, I didn’t know what would.

With the feuding lovers gone, my heart filled with gratitude that I hadn’t been treated to a full-on library sex show. I wasn’t sure I’d have been able to stand quietly and listen to the moans and squishy sounds I had a feeling sex with Nissa would involve. And I shouldn’t have any reaction at all to the two of them besides a bit of distaste at the PDA. Or lack of respect for the ancient volumes they might dislodge. I did not want her touching him. And I had no desire to examine why that was. Or even think about it.

Taking advantage of being freed from whatever weirdness had held me in place, I pivoted and managed to take two fast steps before slamming into the hard chest of...Bain. He grabbed my arms and steadied me. “Whoa, careful there.”

Was he everywhere? Following me like Zephyr? “What are you doing here?” I waited for him to let go, but he didn’t.

“Apparently protecting you from yourself. Every time I find you, you’re about to land flat on your face, either figuratively or metaphorically.”

“Funny how I’ve made it through life everywhere else without you, isn’t it?” I snapped, but his hands wrapped around my arms were warm and tight and made me want to melt into his arms.

“Everywhere else is not Sciathain. Is not where the veil is ever-present and always dangerous.”

“In the library?” I tsked, craning my neck around. “Because I have to say, I don’t see it.”

Tags: Mazzy J. March Sciathain Academy Fantasy