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He blinks. “You say the weirdest things.”

“I’m an actress; deal with my version of pop culture references, will you?” I try to shift away from him, but he doesn’t release me. "Let me go." I scowl.

"Why?" he shoots back.

"I want to head back to my room."

"No way. You’re sleeping with me tonight."

"I don’t want to sleep with you."

"Liar." He digs his fingers into my side and I cackle.

"Hey, not fair." I wriggle around, trying to get out of his reach, but he follows me. He tickles me under my arm and down my torso, and laughter wells up my throat. "Please don’t," I gasp. "Please, please don’t."

He intensifies his efforts and soon I am rolling in his grasp, laughing until tears slide down my cheeks. He turns me over, then fits himself to me, spooning me. Oh my god, I’d forgotten how good he is at this. The warmth of his body surrounds me, and his arm around my middle holds me close. His body faithfully follows ever line of mine, and it feels like I am wearing him like a big, luscious, warm overcoat. I really should try to get away from him, but maybe I can close my eyes for just a few minutes first?

* * *

When I wake up next, early morning light shines through the gap between the curtains. We’re still in the same position, only he’s covered us both with a blanket. The warmth is like a drugging cocoon, pulling me in, inviting me to fall asleep again. I manage to turn in the circle of his arm to face him. His eyes are shut, and his dark hair falls over his forehead, tousled by my fingers, no doubt. His cheeks are slightly flushed, and his jaw holds none of the tension that characterizes his every waking moment. His mouth, that luscious mouth, is right there. All I have to do is lean forward and press my lips to his, and savor the feel of his firm lips against mine. And if I do, I’ll never be able to get him out of my head. I edge back carefully, until his arm slips off of me. I manage to slide off of the bed without waking him up. I creep around the bed, grab my sleep shorts and pull them on, then walk into the bathroom to retrieve my camisole. I shrug it on, then with one last look at his massive figure sprawled on the bed, I leave.

I go to my room, have a shower and get dressed. I need to get out of here. I need a little time to clear my head. I glance out the window at the security personnel outside. One of them stands outside the gate. And there’s a car on the opposite side of the road. I can’t be sure, but it looks like the men in there are asleep. Doesn’t matter. I’m sure they’re going to follow me when I leave.



The phone buzzing on my nightstand penetrates my sleep. I snap open my eyes, turning to find the space next to me on the bed is empty. Huh? I reach for my phone and answer it. "This had better be urgent."

"We lost her. I’m so sorry. One minute she was there; the next she was gone." Peter’s voice is toneless.

The hair on the back of my neck rises.The fuck?I jerk my head back in the direction of the empty space next to me on the bed. Rake my gaze around the room and find the sleep shorts I tore off her are also gone.Fuck, fuck, fuck.How could I have not woken up when she left the bed?

"Where did she go? What do you mean you lost her?" I growl.

"She drove to the mall, and we followed her in. She walked into a store, and never came out."

"Why didn’t you stop her from leaving the house?"

"Those were not our instructions, Sir."

He’s right. I hadn’t intended for her to be a prisoner. I merely wanted her to be protected, and for her to be followed everywhere.

"Have you tried her number?"

"She’s not picking up," the man says warily.

"And you call yourself trained personnel? I’m going to have your head!" I lower the phone and take a deep breath. It won’t help to blame these men. I need their help. I need to find her before thatpezzo di merdaAlvaro gets to her.

I raise the phone to my ear. "Get back to my house; I’ll meet you downstairs."

I disconnect and try her number, but it goes to voicemail.Fuck!I raise my phone, ready to throw it across the room, then catch myself. Keep it together,stronzo, you need to stay calm and figure out what to do to ensure she’s safe.

I call her once more, not surprised when she doesn’t pick up. I hang up and call JJ Kane next. He listens to my update and promises he’ll be here as soon as possible. I call Michael next, and when he answers I tell him Olivia is missing. Michael’s not very complimentary about the fact that we lost her; he also assures me that he has additional men on their way to me already. Then, he tells me to be vigilant, before hanging up.

I toss the phone aside and take a quick shower. By the time I’m dressed and headed downstairs, the doorbell rings. I open it and JJ stands there, a scowl on his face.

"Jesus, Sovrano, didn’t you tell your woman how important it was not to stray from her security detail?"

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic