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I watch as she walks over to an armchair by the window and sinks into it. She snaps open the book, then pulls her legs up and under her as she begins to read.

"Do you?" JJ prompts.

I turn to face him. "I married her, didn’t I?"

"So, you do love her?"

"What’s that got to do with anything?"

"What would you give to see her safe?"

"My life," I say simply.

He searches my features, then jerks his chin "What do you need from me?"

"Security. I want to have someone on her twenty-four-seven, I want our home protected, and I need your help tracking down Alvaro. I want eyes on him. I want to know if he so much as takes a piss."

“Your brother, Axel, is not only an ex-cop, but also runs his own security agency—"

“He’s in Palermo,” I interrupt him. “I need help right now to keep her safe.”

He tilts his head. "And what do I get in return?"

I drum my fingers on the table. "First, you wouldn’t have known Alvaro was in your city unless I’d mentioned it you. Secondly—" I plant my palm flat on the table "—you help me, and theCosa Nostrawill become your loyal allies."

"Which you already are."

"We have a business alliance in Trinity Enterprises. With this, you cross over to becoming a loyal partner."

He pulls out a cigar, offers me one, then lights them for both of us. He blows out a puff of smoke, then trains his gaze on me. "Partners, huh? I assume you have the authority to deliver on this?"

“You doubting me?” I glare at him.

He laughs. “Just making sure you can keep your word, ol’ chap.”

“You make sure your security doesn’t let her out of their sight. Leave the rest to me.”

"If you think I’m going to put up with someone following me all the time, you’re sadly mistaken." Her voice reaches me from across the length of the room. I’d hoped she couldn’t hear what we’d been discussing.

JJ chuckles. "You really have your hands full, don’t you?"

"You have no idea." I shoot her a glance to find she’s staring at me over the top of her book. I hold her gaze. She flushes, then rises to her feet, and drops the book on the chair, before walking over to us.

"This isn’t the dark ages, where you men think you have to protect us women from your work talk. I’m aware that both of you are discussing how to deal with Alvaro."

I hold out my hand, and she hesitates, then takes it. I pull her close and wrap my arm about her waist. To my surprise, she doesn’t shrug it off.

"I’m told you’re a powerful man, Mr. Kane." She tips up her chin.

"JJ." He half-smiles. "Call me JJ."

"JJ," she corrects herself. "Are you going to help my husband track him down?"

It’s the first time she’s called me her husband. Is she aware of that? Heat coils in my chest. My dick, which has been in a state of excitement since I made her come in the elevator, hardens further. She’s the only woman who’s appealed to my heart and to my cock, at the same time.

"Is that what you wish?" JJ leans back in his seat.

"It is definitely what I wish." She inches closer to me.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic