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"He’d already decided. He was planning to force her into it, one way or another," I growl.

"That’s why you shot him?"

I hold his gaze.

He searches my features, then blows out a breath. "I understand why you did it, but it’s not going to help our case. On the one hand, we claim we’re legalizing our businesses. On the other, you shot the guy. Oh, and not just any guy, by the way." He holds up a finger. "The head of our rival clan, the one whose sister you’re going to marry, so he’s practically family. Fuck, Massimo, of all of us, I wouldn’t have expected you to turn everything into such a shit show."

"It’s always the quiet ones who turn out to be the most unpredictable," Luca drawls as he walks in the door. "I say good riddance. Diego was apezzo di merda, and you know it, Michael." He approaches the bar, then ignores the whiskey to lean over and grab a bottle of grappa. "I’d say this calls for a celebration."

Michael firms his lips. "This is a fucking pain in the rear end, Massimo." He folds his arms across his chest. "Are you going to arrange for the burial?"

"It’s already taken care of. And the cops have been paid off, too."

We may be going legit, but some things aren’t going to change. TheCosa Nostraown this town, and everything and everyone in it, and it’s going to stay that way for a long time.

"Ease up,fratellino,these things happen," Adrian murmurs.

"I assume you’re marrying Olivia now, instead of the younger sister?" Michael snaps.

"Just so you’re aware, she’s found her own beau, so breaking that particular marriage contract isn’t all on me."

"Well, Nonna still gets her wish. ACosa Nostra-Camorraalliance," Seb, my other brother, pipes up from the doorway. He prowls in, followed by Christian and Axel. They head for the bar, each of them accepting a glass of grappa from Luca.

"What are we celebrating?" Axel asks.

"Seems one more of us has seen the light and is getting married… And to a woman of his choice," Adrian murmurs.

Everyone turns to stare at him.

"What?" he snaps.

"It’s your turn next." Axel smirks.

"Not any time soon. I’m not rushing into anything." He tosses back the whiskey, then slaps the glass back on the table before reaching for the grappa.

“Remember our promise to Nonna?” Christian asks.

“There is that,” Adrian frowns into his glass. “I’m sure Nonna also wanted us to be happy. There’s only one woman I’d marry and right now she’s being elusive to track down. Once I find Cass though—” He raises a shoulder.

"You ever miss those days when it was us seven, with nothing to worry about except Mafia business?" Luca asks.

"Do you?" Seb narrows his gaze on Luca.

"Fuck no." He raises his glass. "I propose a toast to the women who’ve made us better versions of ourselves."

Adrian scoffs, "Gesù Cristo, never thought I’d see the day when hot-headed Luca is singing the praises of someone other than himself."

"That’s because I found someone worth living for. Apparently, there’s more pleasure in giving, more satisfaction in protecting someone who means more to you than all the wealth and all the power in the world, more fulfillment in returning home to the one who, today, is more precious than all of my tomorrows."

Silence descends. He looks up from his glass and takes in our faces. "What?" He frowns.

"You going to tell him, or should I?" Axel says out of the corner of his mouth.

"This one is all yours," Seb replies.

"What is it?" Luca growls.

"I am sorry to inform you that you are absolutely and completely pussy-whipped," Axel drawls.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic