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“And if I have my way, you’ll never be without endorphins in your blood stream. You know what that means, right?”

“What does it mean?”

“That we need to make an appearance and get out of here so I can make love to you again.” I wrap my arms around her waist, thankful that the wound in my side doesn’t hurt anymore, then haul her to her toes and kiss her thoroughly. She presses her lush body against mine, curves her head back, opens her lips, and allows me to plunder her mouth. I widen my stance, balancing both of our weights as I bend her back.

I hear the sound of the door opening, but ignore it as I swipe my tongue across hers and drink from her. Goddamn, maybe we should have delayed coming, or not come at all. We could have stayed back, and I could have explored every inch of her delicious body all over again. I’ll never have enough of her. Not ever.

Someone clears their throat.

"We do have bedrooms here, if you’d like me to show you one," JJ says in a mild tone.

She yelps and tries to pull away, but I continue kissing her for another second or more. By the time I release her, she’s flushed, panting, and her eyes have that glazed look I love. She blinks up at me and I smirk.

She scowls back, then laughs, her features lighting up. Goddamn, she’s the most beautiful woman in the entire world.

"You guys ready to come in?"



I walk into JJ’s living room and gasp when I see the assembled faces. I recognize Axel and his wife Theresa, who are near the window; Christian, who has his arms around his wife Aurora; Luca, who has Jeanne tucked into his side; Seb, who is on his knees talking to a little girl who looks just like her mother Elsa; and Michael, with Karma, who smiles and waves. The child holds a wriggling Andy in her arm. She bends and places the cat on the ground. He runs over to me and pauses, looking at me warily. I lower myself to a crouch and pet him. He instantly rubs his cheek against my hand and begins to purr. Seb and Elsa’s little girl runs over to join me. She drops to her knees and begins to tickle Andy, who snorts. The cat actually huffs a snort.

The girl laughs and picks up the cat, who curls into her chest. She rises to her feet and looks at me with big blue eyes. She reminds me so much of Solene, my heart stutters.

Solene is going to be fine. She’s in LA with Declan, who promised to help her find an agent. I trust Declan, and the man, clearly, has feelings for Solene, even though he hasn’t come right out and told her. Last Solene told me, the two of them were sharing separate rooms at Declan’s place. We’ll see how long that’s going to last. She’s done the right thing, taking him up on his offer to help with her career. She’s such a gifted singer. All she needs is the right agent, the right break, and she’ll be famous. I know it. And the person best placed to help her is Declan.

I look up from where I’m crouched on the floor. "Hey, baby." I touch the little girl’s cheek. "What’s your name?"

She stares back at me.

"She’s still shy with strangers." Elsa comes over to join us. "Say hello toZiaOlivia, Avery."

The girl blinks. "Hello," she says in a shy voice.

"Is this your cat?" I smile at her.

She shakes her head.

"Then whose is it?"

She turns and points at Karma, who walks over to us.

I stand up and heat envelops me, then Massimo’s large hands land on my hips. "Who have we here?" His voice rumbles from somewhere up and behind me. My nerve endings instantly seem to fire all at once. I lean back and into him. Avery glances up at him and a smile lights up her face.

"Ma-i-mo," she warbles.

Massimo laughs. "How are you, Sprite?"

She flutters her eyelashes, and I can literally feel Massimo melting. He steps around and holds out his arms, and the girl leans into them. He plucks her and the cat from the floor.

"Well, she already has the men wrapped around her little finger." Karma laughs.

Massimo lowers his head until his mouth is close to my ear. "But you’ll always be my favorite girl," he whispers, then kisses my cheek. When he straightens, I see the gleam in his eyes. "I’ll go see my brothers." He smiles down at me, before moving away.

"These Sovrano men sure know how to make a woman feel special." Elsa laughs.

"They’re hot, dominant, and possessive, but oh-so caring," Karma adds.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic