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She gasps. "Oh, hell," she warbles, "oh, bloody hell."

"Indeed." I pull out my finger, glistening with the evidence of her arousal, and bring it to my mouth. I suck on it and a whine bleeds from her.

"What do you want, Beauty?" I lower my voice to a hush, "Tell me."

"You," she swallows, "I want you."

That’s when Andy prowls over to us.



Andy crawls onto my chest. He coils between my breasts and tips his head up. He must glare at Michael, who glowers back at him. "You and I need to have a talk, buddy. You don’t interrupt when your parents are in the middle of an important discussion."

"Is that what this was?"

He scowls at me over Andy’s head, "It was a very important discussion;" His gaze intensifies, "Come home with me, baby."

I swallow.

"I’ve been lonely without you. Andy has been lonely without you."

"Andy seems fine to me." I arch my eyebrow at him. "You, however," I tilt my hips forward so I push into the bulge between his legs.

Color smears his cheeks. "You still punishing me? Even after everything I said I’d do for you?"

"Not what I expected to hear from you, Don." I rake my gaze across his features, "You are the Don now, aren’t you?"

"Only if I can have you by my side. I need your sass, your shrewdness, your ability to think fast on your feet so you pick up anything that I may have missed. I need you, Beauty, only you."

He holds my gaze and in his blue eyes I see…love, lust…and sincerity. An honesty that had been missing before, a vulnerability which I’d never thought that I’d glimpse in my Don’s gaze.

"Okay," I blow out a breath, "okay."

Two days later, I rub Andy’s forehead as I glance out at the sea that stretches out in front of me. Michael had taken me from the park, straight to his private jet. He’d flown me to Palermo, and to a new home that he’d purchased on the island on the opposite side from where his home used to be.

A fresh start, he’d said. A new chapter in our lives. He’d also arranged for a doctor to come and remove the tracker from behind my ear. I had protested and told him that, in retrospect, it actually made me feel safe to know that no matter what happened he’d always be able to find me.

He’d told me that he’d feel better if he had it removed, especially since he wanted us to try for a child right away, and he didn’t want anything to interfere with that.

So I had agreed.

Truth is, I want to try to get pregnant straight away, too. Guess this is when I should have come clean to him about the doctor’s warning that it could be dangerous for me to get pregnant. On the other hand, the doc had also said that many women carried their babies to term without any problems, despite having a hole in the heart. And I know if I mention it to him, he won’t want to take the risk. And honestly, I feel it in my guts that everything will be fine. That things will work out. So, I haven’t said anything to him.

Yes, I know, I should be honest with him... But if I were...he'd never agree to my having a baby. He'd never allow me to get pregnant. He'd be willing to go without an heir, and that's something I will not allow.

Besides, I can do this. I can get pregnant and carry the baby to term and nothing will happen to me. I am confident of that.

Meanwhile, he’s already set up a full-fledged studio for me in the house, where I can start working on my masterpieces. All, in less than forty-eight hours. The man is relentless when it comes to making sure that all of my needs are taken care of.

And when I had suggested we have the long overdue Christmas party, combined with a New Year's Eve one—he had agreed to it.

I’d also messaged Summer to let her know that I was fine, but that I needed a little more time to figure things out. Summer was initially upset about it. She’d insisted that I return to London or she’d be on the next flight to Sicily and drag me home.

I’d told her not to do that. Begged her to give me a little more time. I’d told her that I am in love with this guy. I’d wanted to tell her that I’d already married the man. Honestly, it had been on the tip of my tongue to tell her, but then I had chickened out. Because I know that she’ll be upset to find out that I got married without telling her. And then she’ll want to know everything and …

I’m still not ready to share with her all that has happened. No, I want to tell her everything in person. And yes… I am also a little worried about her reaction. She’s never going to forgive me for embarking on this adventure on my own, and without keeping her completely in the loop… And I know, the more I put it off, the worse it’s going to get…so… Yeah, for the moment, at least, I am okay with her. But at some point, I am going to have to tell her everything. Soon. Just not today.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic