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A shot rings out again and Seb instantly returns fire as well.

I pull her down. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" I hiss.

"N…nothing," she blinks rapidly, "uh, just wanted to see what was happening out there."

"What’s happening is that, unless we do something fast, they are going to start shooting and there are more of them."

"We have more ammunition," Seb reminds us.

"Five of us—" JJ begins and Karma interrupts him.

"Six of us."

He inclines his head, "Six of us, and fifteen of them."

"The odds are not good," Seb blows out a breath.

"But not impossible, either." I am not going to let whoever they are get the better of us. I am going to bring them down and find out who’s at the bottom of this attack…and likely, the attack on Karma’s car, as well.

"It’s time we go on the offensive," I crack my neck.

Seb scowls, "That would not be advisable—"

"I agree with the Capo," JJ interrupts him. "Let’s take this situation by the horns and surprise them."

I exchange glances with JJ, who jerks his chin. Apparently, the two of us think more alike than I’d have expected. And somehow, I am not sure if that’s a good thing. It means he’s more astute than I’d given him credit for. It also means that I have underestimated him all this time.

Holding the gun with one hand, JJ slides the other inside his pocket.

Seb swoops down to grab his arm. "What do you think you are doing?" he growls.

"Relax," JJ drawls, "I'm only going to call for additional men."

Seb glances at me. I nod; he releases JJ's arm.

JJ pulls out his phone, his fingers fly over the keys as he shoots off a message. Then he pockets his phone again, "They should be here in the next half an hour. Think we can hold them off until then?"

Seb scowls, seems about to say something, then thinks the better of it. "What do you think, Capo?"

"I think," I bare my teeth, "that we don't have a choice."



Is this me or is it a dream? Am I really standing here next to my gangster husband holding a gun? A weapon I have never held before, and which I have no idea how to use…but which already feels familiar in my hands. The metal seems to draw warmth from my skin as I clutch it.

I should be more scared of the power I hold in my hands. The ability to play God, to fire this gun and snatch someone else’s life… It’s both worrisome, but also, strangely, empowering. That dark core of me is thrilled at the force I hold in my hands. With this, I could make others obey me. I could control people. I could get my way. I could—

"Beauty?" His soft whisper cuts through the noise in my head, "Are you okay?"

"What?" I blink at him, "Did you say something?"

"I asked if you were okay."

"Yes, of course." My palms sweat and I tighten my grip on the gun.

He stares at me a little longer and I tip up my chin, "I am fine, honestly."

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic