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"Know how to use that?"

"Aim and shoot?" she ventures.

I smirk, "First thing I am gonna do when we get out of here is teach you how to use a gun."

Her forehead crumples.

"What?" I search her features, "What is it?"


"Don’t lie," I growl, "tell me what’s bothering you, Beauty. If not—"

"You two love birds ready to leave before whoever is shooting at us starts up again?" Seb’s voice cuts through the space, and she glances past me.

"We have to leave," she murmurs and I know she is hiding something. "This is not over, Beauty," I warn her as I cock the gun and hand it to her. "Take care with that," I murmur.

"Always," She stares into my features, then reaches up and presses a quick kiss to my lips. My heart begins to thud against my ribcage. What is she hiding from me? What is she not telling me?What are you up to, Beauty?I deepen the kiss, thrust my tongue in between her lips, and kiss her with everything I feel for her.

"Michael," Seb’s urgent voice reaches me, "we need to go,fratellone."

I straighten, then step back from her, "Stay close."

I pivot and head for the door, Karma right behind me.

"What about him?" Luca jerks his chin toward JJ, "What do we do with him?"

"Give me a gun and let me fight with you."

I hold his gaze.

"Not the time to think with your heart, Capo." JJ tilts his head, "You need men on your side. You needmeon your side to fight your way out of this one."

Fuck this, but he’s right. If I let my ego get in the way and don’t give him a gun, and if whoever is attacking us manages to hurt us… I’ll never be able to forgive myself about it.

I close the distance between us and bury my fist in his face. JJ rears back. Blood streams from his nose and spills onto his shirt.

He shakes his head, then curls his fingers into fists. "The fuck was that for?" He scowls.

"That," I growl, "was for taking my wife to get my attention."

He rolls his shoulders, then uncurls his fists, finger by finger. "Fair enough," he rumbles.

"Don't fucking touch what's mine again, you hear me?"

"And you keep your hands off of what's mine," he growls.

We glare at each other, then I jerk my chin toward the array of weapons, "Now, you may grab a gun."

"No fucking way!" Christian explodes. "You’re going to give him a gun?"

I turn to him, "Not the time to debate this,fratellino."

"You can’t give him a gun, Capo," he insists.

"That’s my final decision," I say in a hard voice. Christian holds my gaze, then turns away. He marches toward the door and I watch him go with mixed feelings. "Fuck," I growl, "fuck, fuck, fuck."

"You’re doing the right thing, if it’s any consolation," JJ pulls out a pristine white handkerchief and dabs at his face. "And to prove it to you, I'm going to take you to a place from which we can return fire in relative safety."

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic