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Theresa must spot it at the same time as I do, for she draws in a breath. I sense the nervousness vibrating off of her as I steel my shoulders. The coroner asks us to wait while he goes to the other room. He walks around and stops behind the gurney. "Are you two ready?"

His voice sounds over the speakers.

Theresa flinches, then nods. So do I.

The coroner raises the sheet on the face of the body. My heart seems to stop for a second. I take in the pale features, the wide forehead, the high cheekbones, the dark hair that curls about his shoulders. It’s my little brother. It’s Xander, all right, and yet... It isn’t.

Gone is the life that animated his every movement. Aside from sleep, which he never seemed to require much of, I’ve never known him to be still for a second. Not when he was a child; not when he was older… Nor even when he was painting, when he seemed to use his entire body as he dragged his brush across a canvas. He focused on the colors he chose to animate his art, focused on his plate as he relished his food, on women…and men…as he danced with them, flirted with them… As he fucked them… Even as he held back his emotions and how he felt from the woman who clings to my arm like it is a lifeline. Her body grows heavy and she slumps. I catch her before she can hit the floor.

I scoop her up in my arms, jerk my chin at the coroner, then walk out.

Adrian straightens as I stalk over to him and hand Theresa over. "Take care of her. Xander felt…something for her, so she is under our protection."

I turn to Seb, "We need to find those behind the explosion that killed him and my child, and wounded my wife. Pull out all stops. Ask our men to hunt down every single one of their contacts to find out who is behind it."

"Is that wise?" he asks.

Christian turns on him. "How could you even ask this question?" He snarls, "Someone killed our brother, and instead of seeking out vengeance, instead of returning that favor a million-fold, you choose this time to question why we'd do it?"

"Michael’s spent his life building up his reputation among the five families. He’s worked his entire life to attain the position of Don," Seb retorts. "If he screws it up, he’ll only regret it later."

"Are you saying that you’d rather he not do anything about what thosestronzosdid to him…to our family? Our brother is dead, Seb. Dead." Christian’s chest heaves, "Or is it because Xander wasn’t your brother, that he was only your half-brother, that makes you so uncaring about his death?"

Seb pales. "Take that back," he growls.

"That’s it, isn’t it?" Christian peers into his face, "You’ve always wanted to be one of us. You couldn’t stomach the fact that you were a bastard. That no matter how much you tried, you’d never be a true heir to the Don. It’s why you don’t care that our brother’s body lays there lifeless. Instead, it’s why you are more concerned with avoiding vengeance... Which, by the way, would mean that we also lose face with the rest of our clan, you—"

Seb rears forward and smashes his head into Christian’s face. Blood blooms from his nose, and with a roar, Christian charges him. He shoves Seb into the wall, gets an upper cut in. Seb’s body jerks and his head snaps back. He growls, grabs at Christian’s shoulders and I snap, "Stop."

Seb glares at Christian, who glowers back at him.

"Back the fuck up, the both of you," I order.

Seb pauses; Christian snarls. The two stare at each other, anger pouring off of both of them in waves.

"Control yourselves. I won’t remind you again."

Seb shakes his head, seems to get a hold of himself. He releases Christian, who takes a step back.

"Sorry," Seb rubs the back of his neck, as he shoots me a sideways glance and mumbles, "you know I mean well."

Christian turns to me. "So, what’s it going to be, Capo?" he says through gritted teeth. "You going to let this go, or you going to hunt down the men who did this?"

I jerk my chin in Seb’s direction, "I appreciate your counsel. I know you only have the best interests of the Cosa Nostra at heart, but you know what I have to do."

Seb jerks his chin, "I am with you whatever you decide, Boss."

I turn my attention toward Christian. "Shake hands with Seb," I order and Christian glowers at me.

"Now," I snap.

He stiffens, then turns and holds out his hand and Seb shakes it.

Christian instantly pulls back his arm, then brushes past me, "I am going in search of the motherfuckers."

"You are not going anywhere on your own."

He stalks forward and I call out, "I’ve lost a brother. I don’t plan to lose another."

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic