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"Please," I raise my hand, "don’t stop now."

"I didn't get along with my mother-in-law, at all, god rest her soul," Nonna crosses herself, "but she did give me one piece of advice which stood me well."

I eye her warily, "And that is?"

She leans in closer, "You need to be a feminist at heart and an independent woman to the outside world, but when it comes to your husband, you want to be his mistress in daily life, and his whore in bed."



I look over to find my Nonna engaged in conversation with my wife. They seem to be getting along. Nonna says something and Karma chokes on her drink. I take a step forward when she places her drink on the table and composes herself. She glances at Nonna, who smiles at her. The old bat actually smiles… And it’s one of her rare genuine smiles, too. What the hell?

What are they talking about? And why do I care about it, anyway? I turn my attention back to Sebastian, "It’s time." I jerk my chin at him, then pivot and walk out of the living room, down the corridor to my study. My father follows me and closes the door after him. I walk to the bar in the corner, pour whiskey into two glasses. My father walks over and accepts a glass from me.

We each take a sip in silence, then my father turns to me, "It’s a mistake, accepting Luca back. He’s turned on you once; he can do so again."

"Didn’t ask for your advice, father."

He bares his teeth, "She’s making you weak. This is what happens when you think with your dick. If you’d only killed her as you’d originally planned instead of marrying her, Xander might still be alive today; she—"

"That’s enough," I snap.

My father’s eyebrows rise up. "Don’t raise your voice," he growls.

"Don’t talk about my wife. Not now, not ever. Next time you do so, I’ll—"

"What, kill me?" He bares his teeth, "You’d kill your own father over a whore?"

"Shut up," I snarl, "shut the fuck up."

He laughs, "You’re losing your ability to think straight."

"And you…" I tighten my grip around my whiskey glass, "are overstepping the line."

"I am your father." He chuckles, "I am meant to overstep the line."

"You’re nothing to me," I growl. "The day I consolidate my power with the rival clans, I will take over as Don, and then… You will be nothing to anyone in the Cosa Nostra."

"I look forward to that day."

I snort, "You expect me to believe that?"

He looks me up and down. "You may find it difficult to believe this, but I am your father, and nothing would give me more pleasure than my oldest son succeeding me."

I place my glass on the bar counter, "If that is all—"

"Xander was a liability."

"Excuse me?"

"He wasted all his time painting."

"He had a gift."

"He fucked men."

"I am aware."

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic