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I raise my glass, "Always."

JJ glances down, spies the glass still on the tray. He leans over and picks it up. "Now, that’s not being very polite," he arches an eyebrow, "but to each their own." He raises his glass.

"I don’t like this," Christian mutters.

After the two other men leave, the rest of my crew walks in. They hadn’t been in favor of this meeting. Definitely not that I go in unarmed and without any of them as back up. But it was something that had to be done, and by me.

"What guarantee do we have that they don’t renege on their agreement?" He scowls.

"What guarantee do we have that we are all going to be alive tomorrow?" I widen my stance from the position at the head of the table. I had opted to stand, too keyed-up from the earlier meeting. Normally, I wouldn't tolerate this kind of post-meeting analysis of my actions, but if the alliance with the rival clans is going to work, then I need my crew behind me… And currently, they, clearly, are not.

"That’s a rhetorical question, and you know that." Christian runs a finger around the collar of his shirt. "Forming an alliance with the enemy is only going to come to bite you in the ass if we’re not careful."

"Much as it pains me to admit it, in this instance, I agree with Christian." Seb glowers. "Nikolai, maybe, I understand. Not that I’d trust the Bratva, but at least, they’d come at you from the front. With the Kane Company? Those asshole Brits are going to stab you in the back, make no mistake."

I roll my shoulders, glare at the faces around the table.

"You know I don’t give a toss about your alliances," Massimo murmurs, "but in this case, I have to admit, I don’t quite understand the reasoning behind this move. It reeks of desperation, Michael." He leans forward in his chair, "And that’s not like you. You always plan each and every move. You strategize for months, sometimes years, before you decide to act. This time, you’re just jumping in, without any due diligence." He drums his fingers on the table, "It’s not like you, Michael."

"You’re right," Xander drawls from where he’s sprawled out in a chair in a far corner of the room.

"I am?" Massimo turns to him. "So, you agree that this is Michael acting out of character?"

"It is." He rises to his feet and prowls over to us. "This is not the Michael we know anymore."

I glare at Xander as he comes to a halt at the table.

"It’s not?" Christian stares at his twin, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Seb curls his fingers into a fist, "Do you know something you haven’t shared with us yet?"


"This is not the time for one of your artistic jokes," Seb growls. "Not that I could ever understand them, but if you have to say something, then now is the time."

"Back off, Seb," Adrian says mildly. "Have you ever known Michael to do anything that could jeopardize our future?"

"I am afraid this time he has," Xander comes to a halt at the table.

I draw in a sharp breath, glance at him. "What are you trying to say, Alessandro?" I say in a soft voice.

"Just that you are no longer Michael, the Capo of the Cosa Nostra."

"I’m not?" I frown.

He nods, "You are a husband and a father-to-be, too… Roles which you, clearly, place a lot more importance on than just being the leader of our clan."

I blink, "If you mean I am neglecting my duties as the head of the clan—"

"I mean that you are taking a bigger picture into view. You are looking to the future, and for the first time, you are planning with peace in mind, rather than a short-sighed chance to gain the upper hand."

I rub the back of my neck, "Is that a backhanded compliment? If so—"

"It’s not a compliment. It’s a fact." He folds his arms across his chest. "You want to ensure that you neutralize any possible threats against your family. It’s understandable. It’s why you went ahead and met with two of our fiercest rivals. It’s why you didn’t breathe a word about it to anyone before-hand. You were going to do it anyway; nothing would have deterred you. And you know this is also for the good of all of us… Even though there is a very good chance that this tactic could backfire on all of us."

I lower my hands to my sides.

"So yes, you did put us all in jeopardy, but not without reason. And I, for one, support you in this tactic."

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic