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I reach between her legs and the wetness welcomes me. I slide my fingers inside her melting pussy, as I kiss her and finger fuck her, and she trembles, and writhes under me, but I don’t stop. I shove four fingers inside her and she gasps. I continue to kiss her as I move my fingers in and out of her, in and out. I press my thumb into her clit and her entire body bucks. She grips my shoulders, holding on as I continue to finger fuck her. I tilt my mouth, suck on her tongue, bend her back as I curl my fingers inside her. Her body jolts and a trembling grips her. A moan bleeds from her and I swallow it down. Her body shudders, her pussy clamps down on my finger and I know she is going to— I tear my mouth from hers. "Come," I order, and she shatters.


We didn't get to the dessert, after all.

After I came, he'd taken off his shirt and made me wear it over my torn dress. Then he'd scooped me up into his arms and carried me to his bedroom. We hadn't encountered anyone on the way. Not Cassandra, not Paolo. Apparently, his staff knows when to make themselves scarce. And, yep, he broke his own rule for us to have separate bedrooms. Score!

I had fallen asleep promptly. When I woke up, he was gone. I had spent the rest of that day working on my dress, with Andy for company. Oh, also I'd moved my things into his room, and he hadn't said anything.

It might be because I didn't see Michael all that day, or for that matter, on any of the days that followed our reconciliation. Cassandra mentioned to me that he has been deep in negotiations with rival clans to restore some semblance of peace in the country.

This means that the security around the house has been tripled… Or so she tells me. Not that I can tell the difference. For all practical purposes, I am still a prisoner of sorts in the house.

At least, I have the preparations for the upcoming party to keep me distracted. At some point though, I know I have to pick up the phone and call Summer. At some point, she is not going to be happy with just the text messages that I send her.

She has promptly replied to all of them, and by all indications, she seems deliriously happy in her marriage to Sinclair Sterling… So that lessens the guilt somewhat.

Still, I suppose I’ll have to tell her the truth of my condition at some point. Just not yet. Maybe after the party…? Maybe once I’ve gotten to know my husband a little better? Okay, so they are excuses, but once the party is over, I’ll have time to think and decide what I want to tell her, you know?

I sit back, taking in the creation I have been working on, then stretch. Just one more week to go. It will be touch-and-go, but hopefully, I’ll be able to complete it.

The morning sickness has abated somewhat, and I am finally getting my taste back. So, I can actually taste what I am eating, which is a relief. There’s a knock on the door, and I turn to find a familiar figure at the entrance.

"Oh, my gosh!" I jump up, "Aurora, is that really you? How did you get here? Are you okay?"

She nods, then smiles uncertainly, "Can I come in?"

"Of course," I admonish her, "you don’t need to ask me that."

She walks over to me, her doctor’s satchel in her hand. I meet her half way, hug her, and she feels thinner, frailer than before. I step back, take in her pale features.

"You’ve lost weight," I murmur. "What did they do to you? They didn’t mistreat you or anything, did they?"

She shakes her head. "They didn’t do anything to me. Actually, that’s the problem."

"Huh?" I step back, "What do you mean? I was so worried about you. When I realized that Michael knew about your part in helping me escape, I was so worried. I know it’s not something that he would forgive easily, and he refused to tell me what had happened to you." I peer into her features, "You are okay, aren’t you?"

She nods, a ghost of a smile on her lips, "Physically I am okay." She swallows, "But emotionally, mentally… I… I am in a kind of limbo."

"Tell me everything." I lead her to a chair and she sits down, places her bag on the floor.

"They have me put up in a safe house, not far from the city. I can’t leave, can’t see anyone else. This is the first time I have been out since I went to the Capo and told him that you were pregnant."

I lean back in my seat. "What I don’t understand is why you didn’t tell me."

"I wasn’t sure how you would react. And," she glances away, "I didn’t want you to do anything rash and hurt yourself or anything, you know?"

"As if." I huff, "I have more sense than that."

"Well, you were in an emotionally vulnerable state, and I guess, I wanted to protect you."

"So, Michael was telling the truth," I murmur.

She jolts and I explain, "That’s what he told me, as well." I frown, "Which still doesn’t answer the question of what you are doing here."

"I was told that I am going to be your doctor until the birth of the child."

"You are?" I murmur. Apparently, Mika agreed to my demand, after all. I lean forward, taking her hand in mine, "I am so pleased about that."

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic