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She glances in my direction, and the expression on her face is laced with guilt. I prowl toward her and she tips up her chin. "Were you talking about me, Beauty?" I murmur and she huffs.

"My every conversation is not about you."

"What were you two talking about, then?"

"None of your business."

"Everything about you is my business," I pause in front of her, "and you’d do best not to forget that."

Xander clears his throat, and I shoot him a sideways glance.

"We were discussing the Christmas bash," he explains.

"Is that right?" I turn to her, "That what’s got you tied up in knots, huh?"

"Exactly," she snickers, "Iam the one tied up in knots." She exchanges a glance with Xander who chuckles.

"She’s been worried about finding a DJ for the party. It’s why I offered my services."

"You’re going to DJ?" I scowl.

"Sure," he raises a shoulder, "it’s no biggie. I did it at many of the parties during my university days."

"And here I thought you spent most of your time painting."

"Hey, we artists need to blow off some steam too, you know? Besides, music is a form of art, and DJing is simply a matter of arranging tunes into a pattern."

"Whoa, you a poet too?" she comments, her tone filled with admiration.

I scowl.

"I have been known to write a poem or two," Xander smirks.

I glower at him, "If you two have had enough of this mutual admiration society you’ve got going on here—"

Something brushes my leg. I glance down to find her kitten walking past me.

The beast heads over to Xander, who scoops him up. "Who do we have here? What’s your name, little fella?" he croons as he tickles the kitten under his chin.

"His name’s Andy," she replies with a big smile.

"Hello Andy, what a fine-looking kitty you are, too."

Andy purrs loudly, then rubs his head against thestronzo’s shirt.Traitor.Not only is my wife taken in with Xander, but her cat… The cat thatIgot for her seems to prefer his company to mine.

Good thing I trust Xander the most amongst all of my brothers; enough to not chew him out for spending time with her. Also, I can’t exactly keep her hidden away forever, much as that would be my preference. If there is anyone other than me that I'd choose for her to spend time with, then it would be him.

So, I content myself with simply glaring at Xander, who smirks back at me.

"Te ne devia fare in culo,"I growl and he laughs. The bastardlaughsas he rises to his feet. He pats the kitten once more, then hands Andy over to me. As he leaves, I pull the beast closer to me. The animal strains in my grasp, and glances over at her. It mewls pitifully, and I frown.

"Aww," she walks over to me and holds out her arms. The kitten promptly jumps onto her chest. She closes her arms about him, and he cuddles up against her breasts. I scowl at him, watch as he rubs his head up against the swell of her curves.

Only when her chin jerks up do I realize that I have growled aloud.Porca miseria!Apparently, I am jealous of a kitten?

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic