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I rub Andy’s forehead and he purrs, then snuggles closer into my chest. When Cassandra had arrived with him, I had been so damn happy that I had almost shed a tear. Gosh, I’d missed the little guy, and also her, if I am being honest. I’ve never had any close friends, mainly because Summer has always fulfilled that role. But since she is not here with me right now, and since Cassandra is really the only other woman around now, I find myself turning to her more and more.

I glance up as the door to my bedroom opens. After that last conversation of ours, I’d told Michael that I preferred to stay separately from him. He hadn’t seemed happy about it, but he hadn’t pushed it either. Maybe he thought it was best not to push me further in the condition I am in. Of course, he’d insisted that Cassandra check in on me every hour to make sure I was okay and, while it’s annoying, I’ll take that any day over having to sleep next to him at night. Which, unfortunately, also means that I miss him at night. Gah, there really is no winning for me, right? Now, his shoulders fill the doorway and I stiffen. Think of the devil…and there he is.

He hovers at the threshold of the room, glances about the space before his gaze finally alights on mine. "May I come in?" he asks and I blink.What the—? Did he just ask my permission?

"Umm… Excuse me?" I blink rapidly, "I don’t think I heard that right."

He flushes, then draws himself up to his full height, "I asked if I can come in?"

"If I say no, would that stop you?"

"No?" He smirks, then sobers, "If you’d rather that I not come in then just say the word. I’ll leave."

I take in his gorgeous features, the hint of something like…indecision in his eyes, the way he holds himself stiffly, like he’s about to face an exam or do something that he’s not completely comfortable with… Shit, the very fact that he did not barge in like he owns the place, but opted to wait for my consent before he walked in is…surprising enough that I want to find out what’s on his mind. I blow out a breath, then jerk my chin, "You can come in, on one condition."


I nod, "I’ll tell you what it is, as long as you agree to it."

"Come now," he tilts his head "that’s no deal at all."

"I’m not negotiating at all."

"Hmm," he looks me up and down, "fine, then tell me what it is."

"A Christmas party."

"Eh?" He seems taken aback, "A Christmas party?"

"It is the second week of December already," I point out. "Isn't it traditional in Italy for Christmas decorations to go up by December 8?"

"You've been researching Italian customs?" He smirks.

Cassandra had mentioned it to me, but I am not going to tell him that. "All I'm saying is that it's time we start planning for Christmas."

We? Shit, I said'we.'

He doesn’t seem to notice though. "You want to start planning a Christmas party?" He rubs his jaw.

I nod. To be honest, I am not huge on Christmas gatherings, as such. But maybe I am lonelier than I thought… Or m-a-y-b-e, finding myself pregnant makes me want to surround myself with more people, I guess? Andy wriggles in my arms and I place him on the floor. He instantly pads over to Mika who picks up the kitten. He cuddles Andy who coils up against his chest.Traitor. And I thought he owed his allegiance to me. Apparently, not even kittens are exempt from the Capo’s charm.

"I also want to invite Aurora to the Christmas party."

"No," his lips firm, "I can’t allow that."

"Why not?"

"She conspired with you."

"She told you I was pregnant so you came after me."


"Deserves another chance," I cut in. "Come on, she’s a doctor, and she's helped you out when you needed her services, hasn't she?"

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic