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"Tell me, woman," I burst out, "or I swear—"

There’s a touch on my shoulder. I turn to find Christian right behind me. He jerks his chin toward the doctor, then shakes his head.Che cazzo!Of course, he has to come to her rescue. Did I say that I wish my brothers would find their own women and settle down? Guess I wasn’t aware of exactly how that would change the dynamics between us when that happens. I glare at him and he holds my gaze. Shit, he’s serious about her? When the hell had that happened, eh? I shrug off his hand, turn to her.

"Look, Doc, I appreciate your being sensitive about the situation, but right now, I only want to find out what’s wrong with my wife, so if you can just spit it out—"

"She’s pregnant."

Next to me, Christian inhales. A pulse of shock runs through the assembled men. "What did you say?" I growl.

"She’s pregnant," the doctor repeats herself.

"She’s…." I swallow, "She’s…"

"Pregnant." The doctor nods, "Your wife is pregnant, Capo."

"My wife is pregnant?" I open and shut my mouth, "She’s having my child?"

A small smile curves her lips, "It would seem that way, yes."

My knees seem to give way from under me.

Christian grips my shoulder. "Steady, Capo," he murmurs.

I blink to clear my vision, then focus my gaze once more on the doctor.

"She’s fine, other than that?"

The doctor nods, "Like I mentioned, it would be best if we kept her under observation overnight."

I nod, "Of course, whatever you think is best for her."

"Also," she glances to the side, "there was—ah— Something else that I think you should know."

"What is it?"

"I…ah…" She shuffles her feet, "It’s just that—" She straightens her shoulders, "She needs to take better care of herself. She needs to eat well, sleep well, make sure she’s getting her vitamins."

"I’ll make sure of that." I run my fingers through my hair. "Anything else?"

She seems like she’s about to say something, then shakes her head.

"Can I see her now?"

"Of course."

She turns and I follow her inside. I walk into the room, almost bumping into the doctor who’s come to a halt inside the threshold. She’s staring at the bed. The empty bed. I glance around the space. The entire room is empty. I stalk toward the door on the far side, peek inside. There’s no one in the bathroom either.

"What the hell?

A draft blows in through the open window. I lunge toward it, glance down at the ground which is maybe five or six feet away. Not too close, but not too far either. Could she have jumped? The hair on the back of my neck rises. She did jump. She managed to get away. My pregnant wife managed to escape. Is she strong enough to have made the jump? How far can she go in the condition she is in? I had found her collapsed on the floor of the room, and now she manages to jump out of the window and leave? My guts twist and my stomach ties itself in knots. I bunch my fists at my side, "What the hell is happening here? Where is she?"

"She… I…" the doc’s voice trembles. I glance at her, find her features have lost all color. She has her fingers gripped together in front of her; the skin over her knuckles is white.

Minchia!Why is she so nervous? I close the distance between us, and glare at her, "Something you want to tell me, Doc?"

"I… " she shakes her head, "it’s my fault; I agreed to help her. I had no idea she was pregnant. As soon as I found out, I—" I raise my hand and she flinches.Damnit!I lower my arm, brush past her, then out the door. My brothers crowd around me.

Seb takes in my features and his own harden, "What’s wrong, Boss? What happened in there?"

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic