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I fold my arms across my chest, "I am going to find whoever did this, and when I do… I am going to destroy their entire bloodline. Every. Last. One of them."

Neither Seb nor Massimo contradict me.

"There are only two gangs who would dare do this," Massimo murmurs. "It can’t be the Bratva because we’ve struck a deal with them. Which leaves—"

"The Kane Company." I roll my neck from side to side "Would they dare come right into my territory and do this?"

"They attacked you on your turf." He’s referring to an incident a few months ago when four unarmed men had attacked me. I had managed to overpower them, and even brought two of them in for questioning. One of them had swallowed poison and died, the other, I had knifed. We hadn’t gotten much from either of them, but it stood to reason that it was the Kane Company who were behind both incidents.

"They are the only ones with enough gumption to attempt something like this." Seb scratches his chin. One of his eyes is half closed, a ring of black already showing up around it, thanks to my hit. "They probably wanted to get your attention," he warns.

"Well, they have it."

"They, clearly, wanted to make you angry enough to commit a mistake." Massimo tilts his head.

I glare back at him. "Fuck that," I growl. "They took what is mine and now they have to face my wrath."

I brush past both of them, head for my desk. Working the knife from the surface of my table, I slide it back in its sheath. Then I pull out my drawer, snatch up my gun, check to make sure it’s loaded before I slide it at the back in my waistband holster. I grab another gun, repeat the actions to ensure that it’s loaded, then slide it into my underarm holster. I snatch up a third gun, bend and raising my pant leg and slip it into the holster around my ankle.

I straighten to find both of them watching me.

"What?" I snap.

"You don’t think you are going in alone, do you?" Seb drawls.

"It’s my fight."

"It’s our territory," he counters.

"She’s our family." Massimo frowns, "And if you think you…our Capo is going there on your own—"

"You are wrong," Christian says from the open door.

"Thought I told the lot of you all to head off and get on with your work."

"This is work," Xander prowls into the room. "Much as I hate bloodshed, I am afraid this is one time I can’t help but back you up."

"They dare to raise a hand on our flesh and blood," Christian growls. "They’ll answer for this with their lives."

"I can’t allow everyone to come with me on this."

"But—" Christian begins to protest, and I raise my hand.

"If this is some kind of trick, and I’m not saying it is, but if it is, then with the lot of us heading out together to confront them, we are playing right into their hands."

Xander nods, "So what would you have us do instead?"

"Stay back," I glance between the twins. "Monitor for any unusual activity within our network. Anyone who could have leaked news of what happened here. They were keeping a close eye on us. There’s no doubt about that. It’s how they knew the moment she walked out on her own." I widen my stance. Whoever is leaking information needs to be brought to heel, before any more damage is done." And her… What about her? If my actions led to her being hurt… I’ll never be able to forgive myself. I won’t stop until she has been avenged. And how will I live after that? How will I continue without her? I roll my shoulders. Only one way out. I need to get to her before anything happens.

I stalk past the men and to the door, then pause to glance over my shoulder at Seb and Massimo, "You two coming?"

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic