Page 19 of Inked Heart

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Thenextmorning,I wake up way too early and try hard to take my time getting ready. But here I sit at the kitchen table, two hours before I need to leave.

"I’m home. Oh, wait…" Kelly stops in her tracks and looks around. "Did you clean?"

"Yeah. I woke up way to early. You had to work, and I needed something to do. I still need something to do."

"Really excited, huh?" Kelly pads over to fridge and grabs herself a soda.

"Excited? Yeah, I suppose I am. After our first date going so well, I can only imagine our second will be better."

"I sure hope so." She throws me a wink and wiggles her shoulders at me.

"No, Kelly. That's not happening."

"Oh, come on. You need to get laid."

"I don't need to get anything."

She gives me a knowing look. It’s been months, but has felt like an eternity.

"Okay, yeah. Maybe I do, but is it really a good idea to do it so soon?"

"There are no rules. At least if he's bad in bed, you won't have wasted a bunch of time getting to know him, just for him to not perform well."

I put my head in my hands and let out a groan before looking at her again.

"As much as I don't want to agree, that does make sense."

"I know." She smiles as she perks up onto her toes.

I look down at my phone, one and a half hours left. Maybe I'll run an errand before meeting him. I have been meaning to get a new lipstick and color corrector.

"I'm going to go to Ulta before I meet up with Night. You need anything?"

"Oh yes, can you get me a jar of that moisturizer you use?"

"The aqua bomb?"

"Yes, it's so good."

I look at her, puzzled.

"What? I tried yours a few times."


"You can steal out of mine, chill. It is really good though. My face is so smooth."

"It is amazing. Yes, I'll grab you a jar." I stand and sling my mini backpack over one shoulder.

"Thanks sweets." Kelly plops onto the couch then grabs the remote.

"Have fun."

"I plan on it."

I slide my feet into my boots and zip them up. I take a deep breath, then head out to my Jeep.

After spending way too much money and losing track of time, I am five minutes late to the date. That shouldn't be a huge deal. As I am pulling into the parking lot, I see Night waiting in front of the building, looking down at his phone. He doesn't notice me until I am right in front of him.

Tags: T. Spear Romance