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Sabrina added, “Normally, I’d tell you to ask her yourself, but you can’t. And she talks about it pretty openly, so I’m just going to tell you. SD chased her for a couple days before he bit her, and turned her furry. They got lost in the emotion of it, did the dirty, and said sperm was donated. She was an eighteen-year-old virgin, he was twenty-one, and birth control didn’t cross either of their minds.”

She continued, “A few days later, SD got angry with her for the first time, and about lost his mind. He hit Lizzy, hard, and her wolf took over and rejected him. The bite mark he’d left healed up, she declared herself done with men permanently, and then a few weeks later, realized she was pregnant.”

“She moved in with me, and we were roommates until a few months ago, when SD found our house, broke in, and tried to hurt Evan. I wasn’t home, so I don’t know exactly what happened, but Lizzy’s wolf killed him. The town treated us badly after that, so she found a job here, someone connected us to Char because they knew she had two spare rooms, and here we are.” Sabrina gestured to the house around us.


I nodded, as if this wasn’t a shitload of information to process about the woman who’d chosen me as her mate. I knew my wolf would’ve already chosen her too if he could—I felt his impatience as he strained at my muscles, and I now knew he’d been waiting for her. That was why he hadn’t bothered nesting, after all.

“Thank you,” I told her.

“After you set Evan in bed, turn that fan on.” She pointed to a small fan in the corner. “It’s noisy, but it helps him sleep longer. And you’re going to want him to sleep as long as possible.” She eyed Lizzy’s wolf. “Hopefully she doesn’t stay in that form too long. Ev will get grumpy, and spend more time as a wolf, and he’s even more of a menace when he’s in that form.”

My lips curved upward. “We saw that back at my place. He was running around, trying to eat everything.”

She grinned. “We’ve lost more than a couple of shoes to the little monster.”

Lizzy growled and pushed her way between me and Sabrina, shoving her human friend backward. I scratched the wolf behind the ears, reassuring her that I was hers.

“Shit,” Sabrina muttered.

“She probably thought I was flirting with you. The bond will ease over time, and it’ll be easier to deal with for all of us.” I gave her a quick, half-hearted smile. “Thanks.”

Not willing to risk upsetting my mate any further, I closed the door, then.

Lizzy’s wolf leaned up against my thigh, and I rubbed her head as I crossed the room, carefully easing Evan into the crib. There was a soft, dark blue blanket with lighter blue vehicles of all kinds depicted on it already in the crib, so I tugged it up over the little guy’s arms.

He snuggled into the blanket as he rolled over to his belly, and my chest squeezed.

How was he so fucking adorable?

Making my way over to the bed, I tugged my shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor. It was too early to sleep, and I was pretty sure my feet would hang over the edge of the mattress, but there wasn’t much else I could do considering where I was.

There was no nightstand or bedframe in the room, but I found a phone charger next to the bed, and plugged Lizzy’s phone into it.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I found a handful of texts from the pack.

Rocco: Want me to call the school for you and get everything covered, or are you going to try to go in to work?

Ford: Can we grab some food for you and bring it over? You didn’t get the chance to eat.

Jesse: Let me know if you need anything, man. We’re happy to watch the furry little squirt any time.

Zed: Good luck

Dax: I’ve been making calls, found out more information about Lizzy if you want to know.

I glanced over at the wolf, scratching her head absentmindedly with one hand. Ryder hadn’t texted, but I wasn’t surprised. We’d adopted him into the pack, but he hadn’t jumped in whole-assedly.

Pulling up the group chat that only included me and the other six guys in the pack, I sent out one text.

Me: Everything’s good. Evan’s asleep, and Lizzy’s calm. She won’t let her friends touch Evan, so I’m going to take off work as if I were the one hunting her. I don’t think anyone in town will complain, given the situation. I’ll get it sorted, don’t worry about it.

Dots popped up at the bottom of the screen, and texts came in quickly.

Jesse: Papa Elliot in the house

Rocco: Literally

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal