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I’d smashed bread on his face, and he’d thanked me for the snack.

I’d been on the floor, completely naked, and walked across the hall totally naked too, and he had barely even looked at me. He hadn’t made an effort to try to convince me to jump in his bed, or gotten out of his bed to trap me to the floor.

He hadn’t even tried to touch me.

Was he not attracted to me?

I wasn’t the prettiest woman on the planet, but I did have a decent body. He couldn’t find me ugly, could he?

He sure as hell couldn’t have been trying to be polite. Guys were never polite.

I did feel better about the naked cuddling now that I knew he thought I was ugly, though.

After carefully pulling the roll off his face, I chowed down on my food while he continued to sleep. And when I was full, I snuggled up against his bicep and fell asleep in the arms of the man who’d chased me across the country, even though he thought I was ugly.

The next timeI had to pee, I poked, prodded, and tugged at Zed until he woke up long enough to follow me to the bathroom again. I even tried to drag him across the hallway once, but he was so damn heavy that he woke up before I managed to pull him off the mattress.

Other than that, he didn’t so much as budge the next couple of times Elliot and Dax stopped by to feed me. I was starting to feel a bit resentful of the fact that I couldn’t get out of bed—and more than a little bad that they were having to feed me like a damned child.

But they both always seemed to be in a good mood, so I didn’t protest. And I started thanking them quietly every time they came in.

They assured me that they were happy to do it.

A few days passed before they brought enough food for both me and Zed into the room. I frowned at the additional plates Elliot was balancing as he set them on the floor beside the bed, like he always did.

“At this point, the adrenaline from the hunt will have worn off and he needs to eat,” Elliot explained quickly. “I can wake him up, but he’s a bastard when he’s tired.”

If Elliot woke Zed up, both of them would probably get another glimpse at my bare tits, which would only make things even more awkward.

So, I shook my head. “I’ll get him up.”

Elliot snorted, and I realized the innuendo I’d accidentally made. A laugh burst from my chest, and Zed moved a bit beside me.

“I’m sure you will,” Elliot said, shooting me a grin as he ducked out of the room.

Zed sat up, rubbing at his bleary eyes and staring at the door suspiciously before he glanced over at me.

“Worried your friend might’ve seen my tits?” I drawled at him.

“Nah.” He settled back down in the bed, his eyes sliding over my face. “Worried you were having another naked picnic with the door unlocked.”

I couldn’t hide my snort. “Right.”

“Wouldn’t be the craziest thing you’ve done in this room, would it? I felt your toes in my balls the other day.”

My face burned, but I couldn’t hide another disbelieving laugh. “Asshole. Couldn’t you keep that to yourself?”

His lips curved upward in a sleepy smirk. “What would be the fun in that?”

I smacked him on the arm as I sat up, holding the blanket to my tits. “We need to grab the food off the ground; Nurse Elliot says we both need to eat this time.

Zed snorted. “He would be a good nurse, wouldn’t he?”

“I don’t know, I think he’d probably be a better midwife.”

“If not for the possessive asshole men filling this town, he’d be swamped with midwife work,” Zed confirmed.

At least he agreed with me that most men were assholes. That made me feel slightly better.

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal