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Whether it was true or not, it did relax me a bit.

“Sigmas are wild cards.” Dax added. “Abnormal is normal for you guys.”

I didn’t know what sigma meant, nor did I have the desire to find out. At that point, sleep was the only thing that really sounded good to me. Sleep, and a break from the crazy shitshow my life had become.

Something told me the second part wasn’t coming any time soon, but the first one would be within reach in the near future.

We walked up the stairs, my hand remaining on the side of Zed’s absurdly gorgeous face.

“We’ll get your clothes from your truck, and make sure Zed has some clean stuff to wear before we leave,” Elliot told me, as we walked. I think he was trying to calm me down, but the rational part of my brain had died and gone to werewolf hell. “Will it be alright if Teagan or Ebony drives your truck? The more you smell like another man, the more difficult Zed and his wolf will be to deal with when he’s fully awake,” Elliot explained.

“Um, I don’t know.” I really didn’t want to think about it, but forced my stressed brain to deal with it.

The wolf had flipped out when the other girl had tried to come close to Zed, but the smell of her hadn’t triggered anything as far as I could remember.

“That should be fine,” I said, jerking my head in a nod. “Just, um, don’t let them touch his things. I don’t think she’ll handle that well.”

“Right. She’s territorial; that’s normal,” Elliot encouraged me.

The fact that she was territorial to the point that I couldn’t peel my hand off the damn unconscious guy’s face did not feel normal. Not in the slightest.

But I nodded as if I agreed.

The guys set him on his bed, and then scattered. Elliot let me know that they’d be over with more food before I could get too hungry again, and then the door closed behind him.

I stared at the gorgeous guy in bed, standing beside him awkwardly for a few minutes.

Until my wolf tried to fight me for control again.

Swearing, I put a second hand on the dude’s face.

That placated her for all of one minute, but then she fought me harder.

“What do you want me to do?” I growled at her, sitting next to Zed in the bed and draping half my body over his chest.

That calmed her for a few minutes—but then she fought harder.

“Fine,” I snarled at her, as if I were the damned wolf myself. Huffing, I stripped my sweatshirt over my head and tossed it to the floor, which left me completely naked. Considering that the dirty guy next to me was equally naked, and there was no way to get closer than naked-on-naked, that had to chill out the monster inside me.

I hoped.

My bare body draped over Zed’s, dodging the man-bits probably protruding massively, and the wolf in my chest shrunk to near-nothingness.

Relief had me breathing out deeply, and I couldn’t help but snuggle a bit closer to the guy.

He smelled really good—and felt really good too, despite both of us being caked with dirt and sweat. I’d been with a few guys before, just to make sure they were as assholeish as I expected, but none of them had ever felt that good against me.

That didn’t mean anything, of course.

But it didn’t stop me from thinking about it, either.

Luckily for my overactive mind, my breathing evened out quickly, and I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal