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Despite Rocco’s attraction to me, he respected me. I didn’t doubt that for a damned second, and it made me feel good. Really good.

When the morning came around,Rocco’s alarm went off, and we stumbled out of bed together.

He pulled on some nice jeans and buttoned up one of his nice shirts before rolling the sleeves up a bit. He was so ridiculously sexy that it almost annoyed me.


But then he flashed me a sleepy grin, and my annoyance disappeared.

I tugged on my one pair of old leggings and the nicest shirt I had—which really wasn’t very nice at all. Honestly, I didn’t own a damned dressy thing.

“We’ll have to go to a clothing store after work,” I mumbled to him, rubbing my eyes with one hand as I tugged my hair out of the neckline of my shirt with the other.

“You look perfect,” he countered.

I rolled my eyes, following him to the bathroom. “This is the only almost-dressy thing I possess, which you know.”

He flashed me a guilty grin. “We’re not crazy strict about looking professional.”

“Rocco,” I shot back. “Do you know what happens if I walk into a room full of horny teenage boys, all of which are virgins, and none of which have girlfriends, dressed in my typical clothing?”

His grin faded to a near-glare, his eyes darkening.

I nodded. “Yeah. We’re going to the store after work.”

He jerked his head in a nod.

We brushed our teeth, and he threw some gel in his hair while I put mine up in a bun, not bothering with makeup or anything like that. I didn’t want to encourage the teenagers, or stress Rocco out, after all.

He was still stiff and looked a bit stressed as we headed down the stairs, so I wrapped my hand around his bicep, holding on to him loosely as we descended. Rocco relaxed a bit when we were in contact like that, so I followed him to the fridge and told him which ingredients to grab out for the loaded scrambled eggs we were making.

I finally released him as I threw my bag together, getting ready for a day of sitting in a room with absolutely nothing to do but stare—either at my computer, or at Rocco.

And the latter was far nicer to look at than the former.

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal