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His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he dropped to the ground like a damn rock.

My wolf blinked, slowly.

Her gaze moved from one man, to another.

I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, or what she wanted, and I hated that.

She padded over to Rocco, lying on the floor with her side pressed to his. Her nose nudged him a bit as she sniffed pretty much every part of him. He was completely naked, but she didn’t pay his manly bits any more attention than the rest of him. When she was satisfied that he smelled okay, she dropped her head on his chest and rested it there.

A few minutes later, Ryder finally groaned and sat up. My wolf barely glanced at him, apparently uninterested in her mate’s brother.

Ryder slowly stood up, and made his way over to Rocco.

His eyes dipped to meet the wolf’s. “I’m going to put him in his bed,” he said, slowly and clearly.

My wolf eyed him warily.

Ryder waited a long moment, until my wolf finally gave him a grudging nod.

The man crouched down, slowly draping Rocco’s upper body over his shoulders. When he stood, my wolf pushed past him, leading him toward the stairs.

Ryder followed her without hesitation, carrying his brother right into Rocco’s bedroom. My wolf climbed into the bed, and used her nose to gesture for the man to be placed right beside her.

Ryder put his brother down where my wolf had told him to, and when she looked down, I got an eyeful of dick and balls before she turned her head, dragging the comforter up Rocco’s chest.

“I’ve got to go,” Ryder told my wolf, his voice low. “But my dad will come by in the morning when you don’t show up for work, and he’ll get the pack over here, feeding you both and keeping an eye on you. You’ll be fine.”

My wolf stared at him.

He gave her a small, empty smile. “Thank you.”

Turning, he left us in the room.

My wolf snuggled closer to Rocco, and closed her eyes. When she fell asleep, I was dragged under too.

She didn’t wakeup until the next morning, when Ozzy knocked on the door incessantly.

He yelled that he was coming in—followed by an apology, but an admission that he was worried Rocky had bitten me—and a few minutes later, he was standing in the doorway.

My wolf batted sleepy eyes at him. Rocco’s arms were around her, his ass facing the doorway but hidden by the blankets.

Emotion crossed Ozzy’s face. I knew him well enough to know that it was both gratitude that Rocco and I had moved on to the next part of the mating process, and sadness that Oscar, aka Ryder, had never made it to that point with his mate.

“I’ll let the pack know what’s happened. Call me when you’re back in human form, and we’ll figure out whether or not you want to continue working with me.”

My wolf nodded a bit, licking Rocco’s shoulder.

The man tasted surprisingly good.

Ozzy’s lips tilted upward a bit before he slipped out of the room, and I heard him talking on the phone before the front door closed behind him.

My wolf snuggled deeper into the arms of her mate, her nose resting against his neck so she could inhale his scent.

He smelled different to her than he did to me, but still good.

And his scent had faded from my sheets a few weeks earlier, so as stupid as it was, I was glad he was back in them, making the bed smell good again.

A few minutes later, the front door opened, and Elliot called out, “We’re coming in.”

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal