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A thought occurred to me while I was getting dressed, so I shot Elliot a quick text as I tucked a few loose strands of hair into my messy bun and grabbed my boots.

Me: What happens with Rocco’s job after the hunt is over? You said my wolf won’t want to be separated from him?

Elliot: You’ll decide together. Most male werewolves don’t return to work or school until the mating process is over, but some continue working and just bring their lady along with them. None of the students would find it weird if you went to class with Rocco—they’d get a kick out of it.


Me teaching a high school class? Something told me that wouldn’t go well.

But maybe Rocco would be fine with staying with me while I kept working for his parents.

Or… maybe he’d hate that I was working for his parents.

Apparently I hadn’t thought this all the way through.

It was too late to back out, though.

Me: thanks

Elliot: any time

There was a pause.

Elliot: I think Tea and Ebony put a section about that in the mate manual too. You’re free to ask me any question, any time, but I know there are probably things you haven’t asked just because it seems weird to ask aloud.

He was right.

Me: forgot about that, actually. Thanks again, you’re a good guy

Elliot sent me back a weird emoji face, and I snorted as I shut the phone off.

Rocky growled at it and poked the device with his nose, so I scratched him behind the ears. “I was asking Elliot a question, Bud. No need to get possessive.”

He licked my face, and then my arm.

Tea honked outside, so I hurried out. Rocky trotted alongside me, waiting while I locked the door, and then followed me out to Jesse and Teagan’s car.

As we drove and then shopped, I found myself opening up a bit with the couple, and even enjoying the conversation. It was fun, honestly.

And by the time I crashed back in Rocco’s bed, engulfed in the delicious smell of the human, I was feeling pretty damn happy that the wolf snuggled up against me had wreaked havoc on my life.

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal