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Rocky followed me in, and I ignored his wandering eyes (for his human’s sake, of course) while I stripped and got in the shower. The curtain was one of those clear ones that hid absolutely nothing, so the dude trapped inside the wolf definitely got a hell of an eyeful while he watched me scrub myself clean.

I let my purple shampoo sit in my hair while I shaved every damn bit of myself, and when I washed it out, the yellow tint was replaced with the pretty platinum I preferred.

After I dried off and changed in the bathroom (just in case Ryder was still there), I headed downstairs for some food. Throwing together a PB&J sandwich took all of one minute, and then I plopped down on one of the stools to eat it.

A text came through while I was scrolling nearby job listings on my phone.

Tea: I’m not sure if we told you or not, but we all do dinner together six nights a week. Not everyone makes it every time, but we rotate between houses, and do Elliot’s twice if someone is hunting

My fingers hovered over the screen.

I expected the invitation to hit me with an assload of anxiety at the thought of socializing, but strangely enough, it didn’t. I liked Elliot, Dax, and Zed. A lot. I’d talked to the three of them while they built furniture for longer than I’d talked to anyone else but June in years.

Tea: It’s at my place tonight, and Jesse’s making coffee ice cream. He spent a shitload on the ingredients so you should come; coffee is pretty much his life so it’ll probably taste damn good

Tea: Also, Ebony’s printing the mate manual as we speak. So we can give it to you there.


Tea really wanted me to go, apparently.

It was strange to be wanted.

After one more pause, I finally replied.

Me: I’ll be there. What time?

She answered immediately.


Tea: 5

Tea: Zed cooks whenever he makes it there, but that’s only half the time. He’ll be there tonight, I think he’s doing burgers

Me: Cool

I paused.

I should bring something, shouldn’t I? It would be rude not to.

Trying not to grimace at the thought of spending a couple more bucks on ingredients, I texted back.

Me: What can I bring?

There was another pause.

Tea: Just texted Zed, he says pasta salad, but only if you can do it right

Tea: *snorts*

Tea: How could anyone make pasta salad wrong? It’s literally just pasta and dressing

I fought a grin.

Me: I’ll ask him for his recipe. I’m sure his version is “right”

Tea: Hahaha alright. Thanks girl, I can’t wait! See you tonight!

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal