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When I turned back around with another armload of clothes, Rocky was stepping into Rocco’s bedroom, with his jaws on the strap of my bag.

“Damn you,” I mumbled, hurrying across the hallway. I tripped on the way, and the side of the dresser jumped out of nowhere and smashed my knee. Swearing, I crashed to the ground in a heap of wrinkled clothing, broken hangers, and damaged pride.

The wolf licked my head.

I groaned at him.

He tugged at the pile of clothes wrapped around me, and I was slowly let out of the fabric prison I’d created for myself. When my eyes were free, they tracked the wolf across the room.

I watched him go up on his back legs, standing up like a human just long enough to set the hangers on the rack in his closet.

He came back for the last load of clothes. When those with functioning hangers were all up, he replaced the broken hangers one by one, carefully using his teeth and paws to do so.

I watched in a stunned, reluctantly-amused silence.

When he’d hung up all of those, he disappeared into his brother’s bedroom again, and then returned with a mouthload of clothing.

I sat up after a bit, shooting him a warning stare as he stepped across the hallway again.

“When your human is back, I’m leaving,” I warned him. “I’m not sharing a bed with a stranger.”

He snorted, and continued across the hall.

Biting back a sigh of defeat, I got to work helping the wolf haul the rest of my shit over to Rocco’s room.

Which was apparently, temporarily my room.

It didn’t take all that long, honestly. I didn’t have that much crap. But we put it all away, and then I dropped onto my ass on the middle of the mattress.

Damn, it smelled good.

With another sigh of defeat, I stripped my clothes off, grabbed a shirt from the dirty clothes basket beside the bed, and tugged it over my bare skin.

My legs slipped beneath the blanket, and I glanced over at the wolf standing beside the open door.

He shut it with his nose, then went up on his back legs and used his teeth to twist the lock before padding over to me.

After jumping up on the bed, he ducked under the blankets and snuggled up against me. I fought the urge to cuddle up to him for a moment, and then gave in.

Might as well enjoy the few nights I had the chance of sharing a bed with someone, even if that someone was a wolf, after all.

Just as I started to doze off, there was a sharp knock at the door.

My eyes opened blearily, and I glanced over at said door.

I waited for an explanation, but didn’t hear one. And just a moment later, the door across the hallway closed.

Biting back another sigh, I shut my eyes.

Rocky nudged me in the side, tickling me.

Swearing, I pushed his head away.

He nudged me again, then slipped out from beneath the blankets and trotted over to the door.

After he twisted the lock back, he opened the door with his mouth and gestured to the hallway.

I studied it.

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal