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“Think I bruised my nose,” I mumbled into the wall I’d crashed into, my body plastered to it for support.

It came out like absolute gibberish.

Not like the wolf cared though.

He proved me right about that by licking my knee again, right where I’d bumped it.

I remained against the wall.

“I’m sweating frickin’ balls,” I grumbled, to the wolf that time.

He snorted.

“Why is it so damned hot in here?”

I needed to pee badly, but stumbled around looking for a thermostat like a drunkard for a bit first. Though I crashed into three more walls and almost met my demise via falling down the stairs, I finally found it right next to the door leading to the garage.

I stabbed digital buttons with my finger until I managed to get the settings to show up.

The ac was set at 85 until…

I blinked.

5 PM?

That was a hot damn hard pass from me.

I cranked that sucker down to 72 and prayed like hell that Rocco hadn’t made himself poor by replacing the floors when all that really mattered to me was the sweet, sweet bliss of air conditioning.

Sleeping in a pool of my own sweat?

Hella miserable.

I slicked my hair off my face. The damn stuff was sweaty as shit, and I considered buzzing it all off for at least the eighteen-thousandth time in my life. Then I remembered that I liked it, when I wasn’t sweaty and grumpy and tired.

It was almost noon, so I had gotten enough sleep, but…

Okay, there really wasn’t an excuse.

I just needed to change my damn attitude.

After stripping off the shirt and panties I had on, I threw myself into the bathtub and drowned my misery in lukewarm water. Rocco was probably getting the show of his virgin life, but I didn’t give a damn. Dude wasn’t interested in me anyway, and we would have much bigger problems than my instant-husband getting an eyeful of my coochie while his wolf was in control of their shared body.

Yeah, that whole deal was pretty damn screwy.

Oh well.

The screwiness could drown in my lukewarm bathtub with my sweaty stench.

There was a set of girly shampoo, conditioner, and body wash on one side of the tub, which I helped myself to readily. Rocco had put it there for me, after all, whether he liked it or not.

There was no razor, so I’d be rocking hairy pits and lady bits, but that was cool. Wasn’t like I needed to impress anyone, since my instant-husband wasn’t interested in my body.

Tags: Lola Glass Mate Hunt Paranormal