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Chapter Ten


The next few weeks slide by in a state of bliss. My days start and end with Jensen, and I feel as if I’m walking around on a cloud of cotton wool. We literally cannot keep our hands off each other. He makes me feel like the most cherished thing in his life, and there’s no doubt that he’s become the most important thing in mine.

I love him. Deeply. Profoundly. What I felt for Jeremy pales into insignificance compared to what I feel for Jensen. I’ve been spending most of my nights in the penthouse apartment with him as we can’t bear to be apart for any longer than a few hours.

We’ve spent the last two weeks planning and preparing for The Lockhart Club Open House event and tonight is the night. We’ve sent out flyers, put up banners, shared on social media, and called on friends to spread the word far and wide to draw customers to The Lockhart Club tonight.

Shelby played her part, making sure her parents invited all their contacts. Jared and Dex enlisted the help of Jensen’s ex-firefighter colleagues to tell anyone and everyone they crossed paths with.

But I don’t think any of us could have anticipated how successful it was going to be. The doors to the club open at 7 PM, and to my utter shock, the line of customers extends the length of the building and beyond. Jensen and I just look at each other in amazement, stunned at the sheer number of people. Practically every employee is scheduled to be on duty tonight, but it still won’t be enough.

I roll up my sleeves and dive in, taking drinks orders, showing guests where to go, and even helping out in the kitchen by taking out the food orders. Several customers stop me to tell me what a great place the club is, how they love the atmosphere, and how pleased they are to get the opportunity to attend as non-members. I don’t have the heart to tell them that I’m not an actual employee of The Lockhart Club, instead just smiling and thanking them.

I check on the private function rooms, ensuring the guests don’t need any more drinks before making my way back through to the bar. I grin as I see a table of customers trying to wave down a waitress and hurry over.

“Here she is! Woman of the hour,” Dex greets me, raising his bottle of beer in a silent toast.

“Hey, sunshine,” Jared joins in, giving me a big grin. “Looks like you’ve worked your magic on this place in more ways than one.”

Jensen introduced me to his two best friends a few days after our first night together, and we hit it off straight away. They’re both so different; Jared, the life and soul with a wicked sense of humor, and Dex, the growly giant and a man of few words.

“I’m just so glad tonight has turned out so well. It’s beyond anything we could’ve dreamed,” I reply, returning Jared’s grin.

“You must be Poppy,” the dark-haired man sitting with them says, holding out a hand towards me. “These guys aren’t going to introduce me, so I guess I’ll have to introduce myself. I’m Paul, his brother-in-law,” he says, hooking a thumb in Dex’s direction.

“Nice to meet you, Paul,” I reply, shaking his outstretched hand.

“I can’t say enough good things about Edgar Financial. Got me out of a tough spot a few years ago. I’m glad to see you’re working your magic here, too,” he says warmly.

“No magic,” I chuckle, shaking my head. “I’m just doing my job. It’s Jensen and the amazing staff who’ve kept this place going for the last two years.”

“Wish he’d confided in us sooner,” Jared says thoughtfully. “Maybe we could’ve helped him.”

“He’s a stubborn asshole, but then aren’t we all?” Dex points outs. “None of us likes admitting we’ve failed or asking for help.”

“Well, I, for one, am reaping the benefits of Edgar Financials’ advice so the next round of beers is on me for everyone in this bar,” Paul announces, digging his credit card from his wallet and handing it to me.

Dex and Jared both send up a roar of approval while I gape at him. “Are you sure?”

“Positive,” Paul replies. “Jensen is a good man. He sacrificed a lot to take on this place. It’s the least I can do.”

“That’s very generous. Thank you so much! Beers for everyone, coming right up!” I grin. I spot Rosie entering the bar and beckon her over. “This kind gentleman has just offered to buy everyone in the bar a beer. Can you take care of that?” I ask, handing her the credit card.

“Sure,” she nods with her usual bright smile, her blond curls bobbing around her face.

“Holy fuck!”

We turn to look at Dex, who’s risen to his feet and is gaping at Rosie. He looks faintly intimidating standing there—all six-feet-seven of him, pure muscle and flashing gray eyes.

Rosie shifts uncomfortably under his blatant appraisal, her cheeks warming with a blush.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you?” Jared asks, frowning at his friend. He follows Dex’s gaze to Rosie, and his mouth makes an ‘O’ of understanding.

“You’re fucking gorgeous, sweet thing. Like a ray of sunshine. But that smile? That smile is everything,” Dex says, a look of wonder on his face.

Jared snorts, looking at Dex in disbelief. “Did you swallow a book of prose when I wasn’t looking? Since when did you do anything other than grunt at a woman?”

Tags: Violet Rae Claiming Romance