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I scan through the information, noting that the club was established more than sixty years ago by James Lockhart. On his death, it passed to his son, Jack, and when he died two years ago, it passed to…

No. Fucking. Way!

My heart threatens to jump clean out of my throat and do a triple-back somersault.

The owner of The Lockhart Club is none other than my mystery man, Jensen Lockhart.

I am so fucked!

I park my car in the parking lot ten minutes before nine the following day. I’ve spent a sleepless night talking myself in and out of this situation. But there’s no reason I can’t handle this like a professional, right? I mean, I may want to suck Jensen Lockhart’s face off, but this is a business-only arrangement. No way am I screwing up my first consultancy gig.

I’ve dressed for the part today in a fit and flare blue dress with a black jacket buttoned over it. Taking a steadying breath, I grab my laptop and purse and head for the club entrance.

I’m greeted by the same hostess on duty on Friday night, who gives me a smile of recognition.

“Hello, again. Welcome back to The Lockhart Club. How may I help you?” she asks brightly.

“Hey, Rosie. Good to see you again. I’m looking for Mr. Lockhart. I have a meeting with him.”

Rosie nods as if she’s been expecting me. “Ah, yes. You must be Miss. Parsons?”

“Yes, but please call me Poppy,” I reply. It’s impossible not to like Rosie, with her cute smile and sunny personality.

“Poppy, it is,” she agrees. “If you’d like to follow me, I’ll take you to his office.”

Much like Friday night, Rosie leads me through a different maze of corridors until we reach a bar, which is currently closed. She walks me through the bar to a door marked ‘Private’ on the far side which opens onto a smaller corridor. A heavy oak door faces us with the name plaque ‘Jensen Lockhart’ inscribed on it.

I take a deep breath as Rosie knocks and waits for a reply. Why does it feel like I’m willingly entering the lion’s den?

“Come!” a deep voice barks from inside.

Rosie opens the door, her body shielding me from the man inside. “I have a Miss. Parsons from Edgar Financial Consultants to see you, Mr. Lockhart.”

“Thanks, Rosie. Show her in, please.”

Rosie steps aside and ushers me inside before giving me a wink and taking her leave. Jensen Lockhart is standing behind his desk, his back to me momentarily as he retrieves some papers from the metal filing cabinet against the wall.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss. Parsons,” he says, turning to face me. The welcoming smile on his face freezes in place and then drops away, replaced by an expression of shock. “Poppy?”

I give him a lame wave. “Hey.”

“Why—What are you doing here?”

I shrug. “We have a meeting. I’m your financial consultant.”

“I don’t fucking believe this!” Jensen says, looking poleaxed.

“I’m sorry, I know this is awkward,” I say with a grimace. “I wasn’t sure if I should come when I found out yesterday I’d been assigned to you, but I’ve been waiting three years for my first consultancy job, and I really want to help you, but I understand if you don’t want to work with me, although I can’t see why it would be a problem because we’re both adults and nothing has actually happened between us, so… oof!”

Jensen moves so fast, he’s a blur, cutting me off with his mouth as it claims mine. Every argument I had about not letting another man behind my defenses goes up in flames as I wind my arms around his neck and kiss him back…

Tags: Violet Rae Claiming Romance