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Chapter One


I lean back in my leather chair with a sigh, scrubbing a weary hand over my face.

How hard can it be to find a new personal assistant? I’ve interviewed ten people today alone, men and women alike, and none of them have been a good fit for me or my company. Three of the interviewees practically propositioned me for the job. I’ve built my billion-dollar IT company through a combination of hard work and determination, and I’m tired of people who think they can suck or fuck their way up the career ladder.

I swivel my chair towards the computer screen, pulling up the résumé for the next interviewee. Mary, my current personal assistant, has vetted them all and arranged the interviews for suitable candidates, so I only give it a cursory scan.

Lily Olsen, twenty-four years old, business degree, qualifying with honors. Two previous employers, both construction companies, based in Houston. She only worked for the latter, Miller Corp., for three months.

I frown, wondering why Mary has put someone through for an interview who has no experience in the IT field. I need someone who knows their way around this industry. Looks like this is going to be a short interview.

Releasing another heavy sigh, I press the intercom on the desk phone with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. “Send Miss. Olsen in, please, Mary.”

“Of course. She’s your last one today,” Mary’s disembodied voice replies.

Thank fuck!

Mary is retiring in less than a week, and I still haven’t found the right person to fill her shoes, despite interviewing candidates for the last two days straight.

A firm rap on the door pulls my attention from the computer screen. “Come in!”

The door opens, and I rise automatically from my chair, a polite smile fixed to my face. The smile freezes in place when a woman I can only describe as a curvy goddess floats into my office.

She’s beautiful. Stunning. Above-average height, maybe five-eight, but I've still got several inches on her. Striking hazel-green eyes, cute nose, full pink lips. Her dark hair is pulled up into a soft bun, with a few tendrils floating around her flushed cheeks. She’s wearing a black skirt that flares to just below her knees, with a silky blue blouse that complements her coloring. Her choice of clothes is entirely suitable for an interview but draped over her delicious curves, they look fucking spectacular.

She clears her throat. “Um, Mr. Rogen?”

I blink, suddenly realizing she’s waiting for me to enunciate actual words—difficult to do when my bottom lip is trailing on the floor.

I clear my throat. “Sorry. Been a long day already.” I hold out my hand towards her. “Please, call me Callum. Nice to meet you, Miss. Olsen.”

“Lily,” she says, placing her hand in mine.

Her handshake is firm, and the feel of her soft skin sends a bolt of electricity straight to my balls. I hold her hand just a fraction too long, reluctant to break the physical contact.

Ah, fuck! I’m in so much trouble.Any idea I had of this being a short interview has just evaporated in a puff of lust.


Yeah, I am, but what can I say? I’m a stubborn fucker when I see something I want. I haven’t even started the interview yet, and I’m already planning how to get this curvy angel into my life and my bed and keep her there.

“Please. Sit,” I offer, indicating the chair in front of my desk.

I return to my seat, watching as Lily perches on the chair, tucking her skirt neatly beneath her before clasping her hands in her lap.

“Would you like something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Water?” I ask.

“No, thank you. I ate lunch not long ago, so I’m good, thanks. Besides, coffee and tea just make me want to pee and—" she stops abruptly, looking mortified. “Sorry. Too much information. I tend to babble when I’m nervous, and the filter between my brain and my mouth stops working.”

Jesus, she’s too fucking cute!

“It’s fine,” I chuckle, waving it off. “Coffee has the same effect on me.”

Lily smiles. “I’m sure that’s not true, but thanks for trying to make me feel better.”

I can’t take my eyes off her. When she smiles, she does it with her whole face, eyes sparkling, cute nose scrunched up, full mouth stretched wide. I wonder what it would look like stretched wide around my aching cock.

Tags: Violet Rae Claiming Romance