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“I want the bracelet, or neither of you gets across.” Charon stated this with the kind of finality that said he’d hear no more arguments. All or nothing.

Too bad I wasn’t willing to budge either.

“What do you want, really? You have a million years’ worth of coins and shiny bullshit to play with. It’s not like you can spend it anywhere. There must be something you want that no one has brought you. Something I can provide you after I’m out of here. Name it.”

Please don’t say sex, please don’t say sex, please don’t say sex.

Charon was lost in thought, looking downright wistful, except for the terrifying visage behind his beard. His eyes, which up until now had resembled those of a human, turned to bright fiery coals. In that flicker, all his pretense fell away, and I saw the real face of Charon. His bone was etched with scratches, and his eyes burned as twin lamps. The hollows of his face were empty, but deep within the recesses of his skull I saw a thick black tongue licking at his teeth.

I was really getting sick of this place.

Mentally I was cataloguing all the insane things Seth had asked me for during my time as his Rain Chaser. A bottle of Crystal Pepsi had been the most absurd, and among the most difficult, since it had been discontinued for over twenty years. Willing virgins were a dime a dozen where bedding gods was concerned. It was the offbeat stuff like limited-edition snack foods that tended to be a lot more challenging for me to come by.

If Charon wanted Crystal Pepsi, I’d get him a godsdamned case.

But first I needed him to get me across the river.

“Anything,” I reiterated, using the same phrasing that had worked with Hades to get us here.

Did I mean it? I wasn’t sure. I guess it would all depend on what he said next.

“Many make me such promises. How do I know you are true to your word? You humans have such fleeting memories for creatures who live only moments.”

“I think we’ve established my word is all I have to give at this point, so if you decide not to take it, I have nothing else to offer. I think that makes it the most valuable thing I can provide.” I surprised myself with how smoothly and earnestly I spoke, knowing that our passage ultimately fell to me convincing him I would get him whatever precious item he wanted.

“Very well, rainy-day girl. I have one request from the waking world, and if you complete the rest of your journey, I expect you to be true to me. Understood?”

“If Leo and I get out of here, I promise I’ll bring you whatever you want.”

A nagging voice in my head told me I was making a huge mistake agreeing to this before hearing his terms, but it was too late. The words were already out. There was literally no turning back anyway. We were stuck here, and forward was the only way to freedom.

Charon looked at me directly. His false human face had returned. His smile was twisted and mean and made my guts churn in sick anticipation.

“I want the sun.”

Chapter Thirty

Leo barked out a laugh even as my whole body went cold.

“The sun? Are you nuts, old man? We can’t bring you the sun.”

“Yes we can,” I whispered, more to myself than anyone else. The world around me was hot, but I felt like I’d never be warm again. Ice had replaced my blood, and my heart had turned to a heavy stone, threatening to drag me down below the surface of the bone.

“She knows.” Charon’s grin was sick and mocking. “She knows what I want.”

My breath escaped in a stuttering sigh. I wanted to scream and cry and rip Charon apart bony limb from bony limb. I wanted to tell him no and take back every word. I’d have given him the fucking bracelet in a heartbeat if I’d known what he was going to ask for.

I should have seen this coming.

How could I be so stupid?

Leo was staring at me, the weight of his gaze just one more thing I wasn’t sure I had the strength to carry. “What is he talking about?”

“It doesn’t matter.” I’d figure something out. Yes, I’d given my word, and I knew what he wanted, but there had to be another option. If he could coyly use language to take advantage of my offer, I would find a way to use his request against him.

I didn’t know how, but I would fix this.

I had to.

Tags: Sierra Dean Fantasy