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I croaked out a plea, trying to say the Finnish vampire’s name.

“Don’t you dare,” Juan Carlos snapped. “Not until I’ve had my chance. ”

He lowered his head again, and I saw my opportunity to escape this situation unscathed vanish before my eyes. Monica had saved me from Juan Carlos the first time, but who would save me now?

“Let her go. ” The words were smooth and free from panic, but the tone carried an unmistakable threat.

Juan Carlos was so close to biting me, the fine hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end from the anticipation. For a long moment the vampire holding me did not move and made no answer to the order he’d been given.

“Te dije que le bajes al suelo. No me hagas repetirme, amigo mío,” Sig said.

I wasn’t too up on my Spanish unless you counted cuss words, but I got the gist of it, and Sig was resorting to Juan Carlos’s native language to ask him to put me down.

A growl against my cheek was the conquistador’s response.

The fingers digging into my throat were met with another set of hands, prying Juan Carlos off me, and then Sig’s tall, lean form was between us. I sagged against the stone, my own fingers going to the wounds on my throat while I sucked in deep, glorious lungfuls of air.

“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” I exploded when I was able to speak. Even as the fingernail holes in my skin were starting to close, my voice was rough and gravelly.

Juan Carlos snarled. His eyes were still solid black, and his fangs were exposed and slick with saliva. He was so intent on having my blood, spit had coated his chin. In spite of the Armani suit he wore, he looked like a madman. A wild animal.

Sig didn’t have to suggest I keep my mouth shut. I figured it out all by myself.

Instead of scolding me, Sig continued to direct his attention to Juan Carlos. “Why do you do this to yourself?”

“She isn’t right,” Juan Carlos replied, some of the madness tainting his words, but he’d come into himself enough to wipe his chin off. “I want to know what Monica said. ”

“This isn’t the time. ”

“This is the only time. I want to know what she said. ”

“Monica insists Secret didn’t betray us. Our third is a fit and honest leader. ” When Sig said honest, Juan Carlos barked a laugh so cold it gave me a chill.

“She may not have sold us out to the wolves, but she’s hiding something. ”

“We’re all hiding something,” Sig said and gave Juan Carlos’s arm a telling squeeze. “You need to put her secrets out of your head. ”

Juan Carlos jerked his arm free and pointed at me. “We aren’t through. ”

“I can’t wa—”

Sig looked over his shoulder at me, and I shut my mouth immediately.

“This is over,” he told me, but I knew he was speaking to us both. “Monica has had her last word, and she says you are fit. Tell Juan Carlos you haven’t done anything. ”

“I haven’t done anything,” I repeated.

Sig turned back to Juan Carlos. “You are never to touch her again, am I understood?”

“You can’t—”

“It’s a yes-or-no question, Juan Carlos. And there’s only one answer I’m looking for. Do you understand?”

After a pause so long I thought he might actually say no, the black-eyed vampire said, “Yes. I understand. ”

“Secret, do you think you can stay out of his way?”

“Yes. ” As if I wanted to be anywhere near him after his outburst? Last time we’d been alone together Juan Carlos had simply been threatening. Now I understood the danger was more real than I’d thought. I’d underestimated his hatred of me.

Tags: Sierra Dean Secret McQueen Paranormal