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I rose on my knees, the front of my body rubbing against him as I did. His breath came out sharp and raspy. “Secret. ”

“Shh. ” I twisted my fingers in the Windsor knot of his tie and noticed for the first time that it had festive silver snowflakes embroidered in the silk.

The knot came undone without any resistance, and I tugged the tie off him with a precise yank. I pressed into him, licking the bow at the bottom of his lower lip, but when he tried to kiss me I turned my face away.

He growled, and the rumble of it made goose bumps rise on my arms, while inside the primal part of my inner wolf awoke with a lazy stretch. Only when I was with Desmond could I feel the wolf as her own entity. Usually it made me uneasy, but tonight it fed the fire.

I snaked my arms behind his back, and with my face pressed against his shirt, I bit one of his nipples through the soft material. He was distracted enough he didn’t seem to notice his hands were bound behind his back with his tie. Only when I pulled away did he realize it.

There was a defiant flash in his eyes, but he must have been willing because he was strong enough to easily get his hands free if he wanted to.

He let them stay tied.

I smirked at him. “Are you sure you want to give me all this power? Could be dangerous. ”

He gritted his teeth and spoke slowly. “If you just leave me standing here fully clothed…” I undid his top button and then a second as he spoke, “…it could be dangerous for you. ”

With his shirt unbuttoned and pushed off his shoulders, I trailed kisses down his exposed abdomen.

“Promise?” I asked, casting a coy glance upwards. I bit the leather of his belt and pulled the end tab loose with only my teeth.

“You devilish—”

I undid the rest of the belt with my fingers, and he lost track of his insult when I unzipped his slacks and placed a delicate, teasing kiss on the strained cotton covering his rock-hard erection.

I tugged his pants and underwear down. With him exposed, it was all I could do to not unbind him and make him take me then and there. But that would defeat the purpose of the experiment.

“Hold that thought,” I said, and licked the full length of his shaft. “Or should I say, wait here and don’t hold anything. ”

I leaped off the bed before he could argue, and when I came back I was dangling something from my finger that made Desmond bark with laughter.

Dropping onto my knees in front of him, I held the cluster of mistletoe over my head.

“Now where should I kiss you first?”

Chapter Nine

My resolve to keep Desmond bound waned with each moment we progressed. Admittedly, when I took him in my mouth and heard the sharp intake of his breath, I longed for the feel of his hands buried in my hair.

When you’ve spent as many nights together as Desmond and I had, some things were routine while others were essential parts of contributing to the pleasure.

I wanted him to touch me.

I needed to feel his hands all over my body.

Raking my nails over the firm curvature of his ass, I caught the dangling end of his tie between my fingertips. The instant I pulled his hands free, his fists were balled in my hair, keeping my mouth in place.

A growl rumbled through me, and the vibration of it along my tongue made a similar sound slip free of his lips.

“God, Secret,” he mumbled.

I pulled my mouth back until only the tip of his cock remained inside, teasingly favored by the curling and rolling of my tongue.

“Enough. ” His fist tightened in my curls, holding my head steady, trying to keep me still.

Out of defiance, I flicked the sensitive spot at the base of the head with the pad of my tongue.

He cursed and pulled me to my feet. The hot length of his erection was pressed against my stomach, and through my tank top I could feel the dampness where my mouth had just been.

Tags: Sierra Dean Secret McQueen Paranormal