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Desmond froze. His body went rigid on top of me, and not in the way I would have hoped given our position. He slid back and climbed off me, standing almost out of reach and looking at me with a frightening expression. I sat up, shimmied to the edge of the desk and took his limp hand in both of mine.

“What just happened?” I asked.

“Why was your shirt covered in blood?”

Oh, yeah, I probably could have worded things a bit better. “Um. I guess I haven’t been entirely honest about what brought me back. It wasn’t really my decision. ”

“What does that mean?” He took another step closer and placed one hand on my wrist, brushing his thumb down it.

“I was kidnapped?”

“You say that like it’s a question. ”

“Well, it wasn’t a kidnappy kidnapping. It was more like the time you guys kidnapped me, you know?”

He raised an eyebrow, and I couldn’t blame him. I tu

gged him closer and wrapped my legs around his waist. He was still hard, but he didn’t take the bait. He didn’t pull away either, and I was happy just being close to him again.

“Sig needed me back, so he sent some people to come and get me. The teen wolf and I got into a bit of a scuffle, and we both got a little bloody, that’s all. ”

“That’s all?” He cupped my chin and moved my face from left to right, most likely checking for any signs of damage. He seemed satisfied my healing had done its job, and let his fingers trail down my face and rest on my shoulder. “Teen wolf?”

“Yeah, some kid. Definitely a wolf and seemed familiar. Might have been cute before I got him in the face with a tire iron. ”

“That’s my girl. ” He smiled. A part of him was trying to piece together everything I’d told him, but a more substantial part of him was pressed against my pelvis. Now that his worry had faded, I was more likely to get what I wanted most out of the situation.


“Yeah?” He was absently rubbing his hand from my clavicle to my throat and back down again, making my pulse sing.

“About the shirt?”

He looked at my shirt and made a face.

“If you hate it so much, maybe you should take it off. ”

Chapter Nine

My shirt was off before I’d finished the sentence. His was much less patiently removed in a tinkling shower of buttons hitting the floor and the satisfying sound of shredding cotton.

“I liked that shirt,” he said with a laugh as he pushed me back down onto the desk and kissed my exposed stomach. I grinned and ran my hands over his smooth, warm back.

“I’ll buy you a new one. ”

There was little opportunity to joke around once he kissed me again. I fell into the abyss of his attentions, drowning in each deep, probing kiss. I dragged my fingers through the new length of his hair as he moved his hands between us and undid the button on my shorts. He found his way to the waistband of my underwear, and his sly fingers slipped under the cotton. He slid one finger inside me, and I gasped from the unexpected roughness of his warm skin.

He drifted away from my lips, peppering kisses over my breasts. I didn’t want him to stop what his probing fingers were doing, as first one, then two found a slow, deliberate rhythm inside me, making my head swim. With a faint grasp of how to use my hands, I undid my bra and shucked it to the floor. It was still dangling from my fingers when his hot mouth latched on to one peaked nipple, dragging a ragged sigh from my lips.

He pushed my shorts off, and they fell to the ground with a soft sound. I felt his hardness, trapped in his slacks, against my inner thigh. I let out a moan, drowning in the urgent need to have him inside me again. I had both hands on his lower back, imploring him to come closer, when I had a flash of memory.

For a moment I thought I was remembering our previous times together, and then, as he put a third finger inside me and his tongue swirled around my nipple, I was overcome by a disorienting dizziness. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in bed with Holden.

I blinked, unable to understand where the desk, Desmond and all of my reality had gone. And why it had been replaced with a missing vampire in a satin-sheeted bed.

My hands were on Holden’s lower back and his mouth was at my neck, and I caught my breath when his teeth dragged over my skin. The change in my breathing made my throat tighten, and the sharpness of his fangs pressed over my throbbing artery. Desmond was forgotten, as were all of the worries of my real life. When I touched Holden our bodies created steam where his cool skin rubbed against my own feverish exterior. His touch was as real as anything I’d ever felt, and the only thing my body understood was a growing desire that needed to be fed.

As far as my animal desires were concerned, one hard cock was as good as another right then. I shivered in anticipation of what was to follow and arched my hips against him.

Tags: Sierra Dean Secret McQueen Paranormal