She laughed. “I’d bore you to death, then. Everything about my life is scheduled and certain.”
I looked at the way her mouth wrinkled softly in the corners as she smiled, and I was in awe of just how beautiful she was.
“I don’t think you could ever bore me,” I said, rather boldly.
She started to blush and smile but didn't say anything in return.
“Hey, I was going to order a shot, do you want one?” I asked her.
She paused, thinking on this for a moment. “Well… yeah, sure, that sounds good.”
“Perfect,” I said, trying to hide my enthusiasm. When I flirted so boldly like this, I really preferred to play it cool, to a degree.
I was about to wave over the bartender, who was out on the floor wiping off tables, when Emily’s phone vibrated. I glanced over at her and watched her read a text message. I knew it wasn’t good news for me when her face fell.
“Oh, no, I’m sorry… I can’t take that shot, I actually have to go.”
“Really? Right now?” I asked, hoping she could stay at least a few more minutes.
“Yeah, right now, sorry. Emergency with my roommate. But it’s been lovely chatting with you!” she said, as she grabbed her keys and stood up from the bar counter.
“Right, yeah, nice talking with you, too.” I nodded at her as she started to walk out of the bar. “Have a good one!”
“You, too!” she hollered back, as she left out the front door.
The second she did, disappointment and regret washed over me.
Shit, why hadn’t I asked for her number?